Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Snow Day Ponderings

I have had a snow day the past couple days (including today) and I have enjoyed it. I have done some work for school, believe it or not, but I have also relaxed too. This has been one of those breaks that I needed but didn't know I needed. Seems odd to say that, since we had a four day weekend last weekend due to snow too. *grin* Anyway, it's been good.

I've thought a lot about my driveway. Yes, that's right, my driveway. I live in a town home, and my neighbor next door has a friend who repeatedly parks in my side of the driveway. Now, on one hand, it hasn't been at times that I have needed out (duh, snowed in!) and still, it has bothered me. No one asked me. They just did it. So, I was ready to talk to them today, but I didn't see them today. So, that's okay, but when does something think, "It's okay to park there even though it's not my spot?" That's so rude! I have been a little stumped. I realize it's not anything big, I mean it's not life-or-death or anything. Still, I've been pondering...

I've also been pondering people. I was watching a TLC show last night about this morbidly obese person. My heart broke for the person. The person wound up dying from the complications of obesity and Gastric Bypass Surgery. I just sat and felt sad for the family of this gal. I mean, her whole family tried to help, but the gal didn't help herself. It broke my heart, and I've thought of her quite a bit today.

I also watched a show of people with random addictions. Don't ask me how I got to watching such random shows, because these are not in my normal TV lineup. However, I watched these people and just felt bad for them. It makes me wish I could help, so I did. I prayed. *grin*

I've pondered encouragement a lot this week. My lunch on Sunday has had me thinking all week. I know that one of the spiritual gifts is encouragement, but I guess I've never thought about it in-depth because I have always had it. I give encouragement easily. I guess some people can sing without effort just as I can encourage others. I don't mean that pridefully, I am just pondering encouragement as a whole. I think it's something I will continue to ponder, as I'm not done with this thinking. I'm gonna dive into some scripture on this one. I'm sure my next post will be with scripture. Most of my deep ponderings start with thoughts and move to scripture. *grin*

So, tomorrow is school, which is great. I'm excited to see the little people and teach them new things tomorrow! SO. EXCITED. *grin*


Monday, February 25, 2013

An Unexpected Blessing

I realize from the title you may think I'm blogging again about the Snow Day I was given for tomorrow, but that's not what I want to share tonight. I want to share about my afternoon yesterday. I had lunch with two new friends who had me grinning the rest of the day after lunch yesterda, and today as well.

When I first moved here I met this married couple who were (are) the sweetest people. In fact, when I first got here, I attended the 10:45am service, and I sat by them regularly. Next thing I knew, I was on shuttles and attending Saturday Night Service, and didn't see them very much at all. That's pretty common around here, as we are such a big church and have three services that have over 500 people each service. *grin*

About a year ago, I saw them at a Saturday Night Service, and did a silent happy dance in my head. Since then we have talked occasionally but I really didn't know much about them. Until yesterday...

They invited me out to eat lunch after shuttles yesterday, and we went to Applebee's! We sat and talked for about two hours. I REALLY enjoyed it. To see others in love with the Lord was so much fun for me. The encouragement given and received on both sides was great, and I really thought a lot about that afterward.

Not everyone has the gift of encouragement, unfortunately. I think the older I get, the more I realize how much of a gift that really is this side of Heaven. To simply encourage another in the Lord (or in anything really) is such a simple thing, yet some people just can't seem to encourage. I'll admit, it perplexes me on pretty much a daily basis. However, I don't ever stay in that thought pattern. You want to know why?

I don't stay in that perplexed thought-life because God gives me unexpected lunches, friends to sit by in the Prayer Room, friends to drive shuttles with, and a family that has the unconditional love thing down-to-an-art to remind me that while some people don't have that gift, there are even more people that DO. *grin*

I look forward to what God has in store for me in this amazing friendship. He's also opening doors for me in other relationships on the Base. I'm so excited. Friends. Ah, He is faithful to bring us what we need right when we need it!


Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Days #2 & #3

I will openly admit, I LOVE SNOW DAYS. I also realize this means that our current last day of school is May 21. That works for me, as it means that first day of break will be my BIRTHDAY. That works for me! I also enjoy the whole town/city having to shut down for a day. I can't even explain why that is, but I enjoy that. I haven't left the house since Wednesday. I'm not even climbing the walls yet. I'm thankful that I prepared for this storm on Monday, as it meant I have all I need for food and drink. *grin*

If you can believe it, I have spent my afternoons doing schoolwork. I always have something on the "to do" list, and have taken advantage of our days off to get some of that "to do" list done. That may seem strange, but I'll admit that I've had my television on at the same time as I have been in sweats all day. Trust me, I haven't minded at all. *grin*

Perhaps my favorite part has been sleeping in. Sleep is a hobby of mine, and I have REALLY enjoyed relaxing and sleeping in. It's been GREAT. *grin*

Jay has enjoyed the snow to an extent. We have cuddled a lot, and watched a lot of TV in the evenings. The first time he went out in the snow, he peed right on the front porch to avoid the snow. I laughed. Last night around midnight I took him out and he really got on the snow. The problem is that it's SO DEEP (10-ish inches) that he sinks in the snow and it scares him. Honestly, it has made me laugh a lot. He always moves back to the porch as soon as he sinks. It really is cute. Every time I think to take a picture he wants to go back inside, so I'm on a mission to get one before it all melts. The good news is that I have a few days before it can melt away, I believe.

I am so blessed by another four day weekend. While I couldn't get out and go to the GPR today, I was fine with that. Tomorrow I will continue with my routine of work in the afternoon. I'll admit though, I'm happy for the days off. I love my job, but I also like random days off too.


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

PT with Z!

Yesterday I had Physical Therapy (PT), and was SO PROUD OF MYSELF at the end of it. The kicker was that I couldn't blog last night. Homework has been at an all-time high this week. It's been like that because there's a snow day tomorrow. So, everything was bumped up this week. *grin*

For those of you new to my world, I am in Physical Therapy to work on walking, balance, stretching, and strengthening the legs. I am now working with Z. regularly, who is encouraging me in ways I am pushed beyond my comfort zone. The really cool thing is that I am seeing it carryover into my daily life.

We started with some strengthening exercises, which was REALLY good. It wasn't easy, but I pushed myself on the machines, which was nice. Next up was stepping on the green step. He had me step up on alternate legs, which was easier on the right leg than the left. Not a surprise there, because I'm still working on trusting the left leg. *grin*

He made me a small obstacle course this week, and it was challenging in a new way. At the beginning he had me step OVER the big WIDE step. I asked him if I could step on it. *grin* He said no. So, I turned to him and said, "You want to grab a belt?"

I should stop and explain what I mean by that. At PT, they wrap a belt around me and hold onto it. That way, if I start to fall, they catch me beforehand. I feel better with the belt, and typically whoever I'm with does too.

So, at any rate, Z. agreed that he wanted the belt. After it was fastened to me, we started.

My first time across the WIDE step, I had difficulty. I didn't even ask if he "counted" the attempt, I just turned around and went back. The next time, I had to stop part-way through. He said that was allowed and it let me to find my balance instead of rushing forward like usual. I did that twice, and that was fine. The next time, I did it without stopping! Hahaha!

The rest of the course was stepping over smaller, yet challenging, objects. I did well on the rest of the course. That wide step was my challenge, and I had it mastered!

I left PT proud of myself. Then something cool happened today.

I had to cut through a room to get to the room that I do dismissal in, and I had to step OVER a backpack. I did every step perfectly, and what might have been a fall before was a success today.

The little things really add up. That's what I believe...every little step adds up!


Sunday, February 17, 2013


This afternoon I spent several hours in the Prayer Room. I don't take it for granted for one moment that I can spend hours on end in the Prayer Room. Sundays are becoming my favorite day of the week because I drive shuttles and then go to the Prayer Room. For those of you who don't know about it, it's basically a big room, well lit, with live teams that sing to the Lord. That's a REALLY easy definition of the room. *grin* As a participant in the room, I sing along (when I know the words) BUT the music is loud enough that I don't distract others. *grin* It is, by far, my favorite place on the planet. I feel at home when I am there. I REALLY like that.

I'm also blessed in this season, as I have friends who do Prayer Room Hours on Sunday afternoons. Today my friend from New Orleans was by me ALL afternoon. I was like a little kid, as I ENJOY having someone beside me singing to the Lord too!

Today I stayed there through two teams, and I was planning to leave at 6pm, but MISTY came out to do a Devotional Set. I honestly can't remember the last time I was in there when she did a Devotional Set, so I stayed for the hour. *grin*

It was the best hour I've had in a LONG time. I can't (nor do I want to) explain what all He did in that hour, but I can say it was my favorite hour of the day. In fact, I'd say it was my favorite hour of 2013.

I love how He does that. He knows just what we need and when we need it. I've said that a lot of the years, but I never lose the awe of that.

I get one last day off tomorrow.

Thank You, God for four day weekends.

It was just what I needed.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

One Great Day

Today was a very nice day for me. It seems odd to want to blog about something as mundane as my day, but it was a day I want to remember.

It started with a meeting for a ministry trip I feel led to go on in a few weeks. I didn't know much about the details, so I was excited about going. The whole meeting lasted a little over an hour and I left excited about the trip. It will be a busy trip, but I'm excited in a way I wasn't beforehand. I will be praying a lot until the trip, but it will be GOOD.

Tonight I went to FCF and REALLY enjoyed it. Audra led worship, and I just had a blast. I met someone who saw my Barnabas sweatshirt and a new friend was in my world! *grin* I also prayed for people, which was a lot of fun.

After service, I stayed for more worship. It's hard to explain, but I just need to be there these days. So, it was really good. Around 9:30, joy broke out and people went up front to dance. It was a blast!

I also talked to a friend, who prayed for me and the Lord spoke through her into my life. The cool thing was that I didn't even ask for prayer, and she has NO IDEA what's up in my little world. It was a blessing from the Lord. I LOVED IT.

I'm excited for shuttles tomorrow followed by Prayer Room.

Four day weekends ROCK.


Friday, February 15, 2013

Better Than This *****

Tonight I want to post about a play a went to see at Church. I will admit, I haven't been to any of our other Forerunner Arts plays, but when I was invited last Sunday to go with a friend from Immerse, I was excited.

Jaye Thomas played the lead role, as a young man wanting to be famous in the music world, while not caring about what God had in store for him. I will admit, the fact Joe was played by Jaye made me want to go. Jaye has always been a favorite of mine (I have a long list of favorites, I think.) and I looked forward to hearing him sing tonight in the play.

I'll admit, it was weird to see him play this kid who was turning his back on the Lord (in his own way) and doing his own thing since Jaye is the exact opposite of that. Jaye is one of those men who is strong in the Lord and will not change in that. I strongly believe that.

I REALLY enjoyed the music in the production. That isn't a surprise though. I mean, I spend hours in a room with music singing to Jeuss. *grin* My favorite song of the show tonight was "Better Than This." I hope we sing it again in the future.

In the end, Joe, discovered who he was in God. That's my kind of story!

After that I went to the Prayer Room where Sarah Edwards led worship.

I'd say that was a GREAT night.

I'm not sure if the play will be available online or not, but if is I HIGHLY recommend it.

I had one thought as I sat there and watched the play, and it came to me again in the GPR.

THANK YOU, GOD FOR LETTING ME MOVE HERE. I am SO BLESSED to be a part of a the wonderful IHOP-KC community.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Four Day Weekend! *grin*

This week has been REALLY good. The little people have been TONS of fun this week. My favorite group today were my fifth graders. We laughed a lot and played reading games for the first time in MONTHS. The kids enjoyed it, and I did too. It was a really great way for me to start the weekend.

The unusual lesson I learned today is that some kids REALLY don't like even that amount of change. I had one little boy who didn't want to do the fun activities in my room. He wanted his usual work. So, I let him. *grin* I figured if that made him happy, that worked for me!

I am excited for the weekend. I have a few plans, as well as some time to relax. *grin*

I'm praying toward a ministry trip in a few weeks. It's been a while since I've done a ministry trip outside of Barnabas. I'm so excited because I'm hooking up with a team from IHOP-KC! I'm EXCITED!!! I'm planning on spending some time this weekend on praying toward that weekend.

Tonight, I'm headed upstairs with a NEW book. I'm hoping to read a couple books this weekend.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013


For the past month, I have been blogging about the grey foam board at Physical Therapy. Tonight, I have an AWESOME update! *grin* (It's not like the title didn't give it away or anything. *giggle*)

I had physical therapy after school today, and was looking forward to it. Going once a week is perfect for me. It keeps me focused on my goals, and doesn't interfere with my work schedule at all. (Love the 4:45 time slot!)

I showed up and Z. was waiting for me. I was happy about that. I told him that Woody gave me an obstacle course last week. He asked me to compare his to Woody's. I kinda laughed and said something about how Woody's wasn't as detailed as Z.'s. We both laughed.

We headed back and started with basic balance exercises. While I was slightly bummed we didn't stretch, it worked out. I have an appointment for Botox later this month, so perhaps that will loosen me up too. *grin*

Okay, so we started with the balance board, and I can honestly say I'm doing better at it. Z. said I did the best ever on it, and I agree with him. It was really cool. *grin*

Next up was a SHORT obstacle course without the bands on my legs. I had to step over blocks. You would think that would be easy, but for me it's not. That's an entire balance exercise in itself for me. I did okay without the bands. Next, we added the bands. At that point, it was an entirely new deal. I TOTALLY take the bands for granted and don't realize how much they help until we do something like that. It was a really good lesson for me. *grin*

The last step was adding the GREY FOAM. I looked at the grey foam and told Z., "I have a love/hate relationship with that thing." He laughed. I was pleasantly surprised at how well I did with balancing on it as I walked across it. Z. was even surprised. Then he decided to make it more challenging.

He moved me over by the balance bar and told me to stand on the grey foam. (I had told him that Woody wanted me to do this, and just stand on it for 30 seconds. My high last week was 8 seconds.) Today I got up on the foam and started to fall. Then Z. gave me a lesson.

He showed me where our center of balance is actually found. I didn't realize how much it's in our hips. He was showing me the key to balance is in moving the hips according to what you need to do. This changed everything for me!!!

He moved back beside me and had me try again. I DID IT FOR THIRTY SECONDS AND KEPT STANDING THERE!!! I just stood there and smiled. He had me do it again and I kept doing it for OVER A MINUTE!

One month ago I hated that grey foam. Tonight I did it! I was SO HAPPY.

As I was driving home tonight, something came to me that the Lord spoke to me as I was getting ready yesterday. He spoke it through a radio announcer, and it really hit me in the heart. The statement basically said, "I have to believe that every little thing adds up." That's how this walking journey is for me. It's a lot of little steps adding up.

I find now that when I walk, I fall less.

I find when I walk now, I walk differently.

I'm not where I want to be, but every little thing adds up.


Monday, February 11, 2013

Love...I'm Starting To Get It

This past weekend I had my favorite camper, Ronni, for a visit. I met Ronni several years ago out at Camp Barnabas and LOVED her from the beginning. She has a smile that can light up a room and hugs that make me smile in a very big way. *grin* When her Mom asked if I would watch her while they went to a meeting all day Saturday, I was THRILLED. Typically I only spend time with her at camp, so this was very exciting for me!

My favorite part of the whole weekend was when we baked cookies and made homemade pizza together. We had K-Love music on, danced, laughed, and just had fun. Ronni sat on top of the cabinets and laughed. It was SO much fun! *grin*

We also watched movies, played Wii, and she organized my books. It was quite entertaining!

In the midst of all the fun, we did have a couple challenges. Now, before I share this, I want to state that I gained quite a perspective through the whole thing. You'll understand here in a moment. *grin*

Saturday afternoon the doorbell rang while we were playing Wii, and a boy was selling something. I typically support ONE kid per fund raiser. So, I stepped outside on the porch to talk to the kid and Ronni shut the door. She also LOCKED THE DOOR. Yeah, I'm not kidding on that one. My keys and phone were INSIDE the house. The amazing thing was that I felt PEACE. TOTAL peace. So, the neighborhood kid said, "I can get the money later." I thanked him and told him to come back by. In about thirty seconds, (tops) Ronni let me in. She looked at me and was ready for me to be mad. I just said, "Ronni, you can't do that. That makes me sad." Then she said, "I sorry Shanna." The kid came back, I paid him, and Ronni left the door open while I stayed on the porch. I wanted to show her I trusted her, and she didn't let me down. *grin*

A little while later, she went in the kitchen. I knew she was after the cookies. I hid them right after we made them and she went into the living room to play Wii. It was a God moment, as I had never had Ronni around food like that before. Out at camp food is separate, so I really had no idea how Ronni did around food that was available any time. So, Ronni was in the kitchen wanting cookies, (We had each eaten three and a half while baking, I didn't want her sick) and I told her no. What followed was drama similar to what I have seen out at camp. She hollered, went upstairs, tried to escape through the window, and I simply made sure she was safe. I was never mad at her, because she was just wanting a cookie, and that's okay. She came back downstairs, and I was sitting on the stairs looking at my phone pretending to ignore her. Ronni didn't know I had one eye on her. She was doing things for my attention. Finally she said, "Shanna, I sorry." We were good, and life moved on. *grin*

During both situations, I thought deeply about God's love for us because I NEVER stopped loving that precious little girl. I'm not any different than she is, I often want one more cookie even though I don't need one. *grin* Or, I just plain mess up when I know what the right thing to do is in the situation. I still loved her. And, the cool thing is, He loves us even better than I love her. I'm SO thankful for that.

I do know that my love for Ronni NEVER stopped, even in those tough moments. Instead, it made me love her even more. *grin* It made me think, "I'm starting to get this whole God-Love thing." Obviously the whole thing is bigger than this, but I'm STARTING to get it. *giggle*

I know that this past weekend with Ronni was amazingly cool for me. Cookies, music, Wii, movies, laughter, pizza, the list goes on and on. I could sit here and dwell upon our two rough moments, but I won't. God doesn't when I make a mistake. Instead, I'll reflect on the rest of the time, because this past weekend was a weekend of fun that I won't forget. Thank you God, for Ronni and her family who let me keep her. They are one amazing family.


Saturday, February 09, 2013


In my living room is a sign that Karen gave me before she left for France. I look at it daily, and pray it over my life as I read it. It states:

The will of God will never take you where the grace of God will not protect you.

In recent weeks I've pondered that.

The past few weeks He has challenged me in ways I never thought possible. To be honest, I have been happy, sad, and everything in between. In every situation, He has been by my side. I have felt Him in ways I never thought possible. He has also sent people along the way to support me, which is what I have prayed for too. *grin*

I'm not sure what's in store for me this coming week. What I do know is that He put me here, and that He will give me the grace to do what I'm called to do in this season of my life. That doesn't mean it will be easy, it simply means He'll be here with me.

That is priceless.



Thursday, February 07, 2013

February 7

February 7 is a VERY special day for me.

I remember sitting in my dorm room while a young man explained to me what Jesus meant to him, and how He meant more to him that anyone else on the planet. That night, I said a prayer, and my entire outlook on life this side of Heaven changed.

I can't believe (in some ways) that it's been sixteen years. In some ways it feels like it was yesterday. I can remember where I sat, what my room looked like, and what that moment felt like. It was (by far) the best decision I've ever made.

In other ways, I can't believe it's been 16 years. So much has happened since then. I've switched jobs, moved, met a lot of people, I think the list can go on and on. *grin*

I don't know anyone else who holds onto the anniversary quite like I do. Then again, most people I know who are Christians have been one since they were young. I was 24 and still in college. There's quite a difference (I believe) when that change happens at that age.

I KNOW that He has saved me on more than one occasion, in more than one setting. I could tell story upon story. I won't though. *grin*

If you don't know Jesus and want to, message me. I would be happy to share how He's changed my life and how He can change yours.

Just like that young man did with me, I don't believe in pushing Jesus down your throat. I do believe in sharing what an incredible person He is, and what He has done for me.

I promise you, I wouldn't be where I am today without Him.

Not a day goes by that I don't thank Him for bringing that young man into my life 16 years ago.

It was the day that changed my life forever.


Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Coach Woody

Today I had Physical Therapy after work. As I entered the building, one of the therapists was leaving and said, "Hi Shannon, have fun today. You're with Woody." I grinned. I haven't been with Woody in MONTHS. In fact, I used to be a little sad if I wasn't with Woody. Today I was a little sad I wasn't with Z. As usual though, not a minute was wasted with Woody. And, it wasn't long into our session that I wasn't sad at all. *grin*

Today Woody asked me what I wanted to work on. I was caught a little off-guard by it, as he usually has ideas on what to do. However, it turned out to be GREAT. *grin*

I told him I wanted him to help me stretch because last week Z. and I stretched my legs, and I felt SO MUCH BETTER. I also shared that we had been doing a lot of balance stuff, and it has helped me in walking and catching myself before I fall. He said that sounded great.

We worked on stretching for half an hour. He always teaches me a lot, as we stretch, about how each stretch helps each muscle. I can't say it was "fun", as each we stretch until it kinda hurts. However, after it was over I felt really good. *grin*

Next up was balance. Woody and I have never done balance activities. We have always focused on walking.

Speaking of walking, Woody did stop me when I came in and watched me walk. He and I talked about how far I've come. He made an interesting observation, that really spoke to my spirit. He was telling me how far I've come and what I'm doing RIGHT now, and even modeled how I used to walk compared to now. And I said, "Yeah, but my toes aren't pointing out yet." I guess I really want it "all". *grin* He said, "Yes, but look at what you can do that you couldn't do before."

He's right. TOTALLY right. In that moment, I smiled wide and said, "You're right."

So, back to balance activities.

I was excited to see what Woody would do with me because all balance has been with Z. We started out with the rocker board. (The checker board that you stand on and lean) I am good at side to side. REALLY good. Forward and backward are difficult. I'm pretty good at forward, but backward is really hard. However, Woody said something else that I really liked. He said, "I would rather you NOT hold onto the balance bar and trust that I'll catch you." He went on to explain that my brain is learning that if I'm off-balance, I'm grabbing. I need to learn to get the balance without the balance board. Trusting Woody was easy, and we did several exercises. I did need his help a few times, but it got easier.

Next up was the blue board. That used to be hard for me, and now it's easy. I didn't realize that until tonight. He put in a new challenge though. First, I just stood on it. That wasn't bad. Next, he had me look at various sticky note throughout the room. (I always wondered what they were for. *grin*) That added challenge, but I did pretty well. Side to side was easier than up and down. Next up, THE GREY FOAM.

We talked about it before I did it, and just standing on it wasn't bad, but I was still relying on the balance bar to hold onto with my hands. So, we moved to the corner of the room. That was good for me, as I learned that I can do that exercise here at home too. *grin* Anyway, my goal was to stand on the grey foam in the corner without touching the walls or needing Woody's help for 30 seconds. My high score was ten seconds. *grin* I think I have room to improve. *giggle*

Then he gave me an obstacle course. I WAS EXCITED!!! Woody has never given me an obstacle course before!!! It was initially easy, with steps and the blue balance board. We did it a couple times and then he said, "Let's add something."

Guess what he added!!!

Yep, the GREY FOAM.

That was the BEST learning tool of all! After seeing my challenge of stepping on and off of it, he understood my love/hate relationship with the object. *giggle* After getting caught off-balance a couple times, I said, "So what do I do here?" I wasn't mad, just curious. *grin*

He taught me what our bodies automatically do (All of us, not just me!) when we're off balance. I didn't realize it, but I am literally re-programming myself to slow down and balance on this board. I also realized that my calves are not strong enough yet, but Woody was optimistic that I will get to where I want to be. *grin*

We were there until 6. I started at 4:50. I REALLY appreciated Woody giving me extra time to work with me. I'm exhausted, but it was all REALLY good. He is a great coach for me on this journey of walking straighter.

As I drove home, I thought about it all and had one big thought. Everyone needs a coach of some sort this side of Heaven. I suppose for most people, that is their spouse. For some, it's a literal coach of a sport.

Coaches push us beyond where we see ourselves.
They remind us where we once were and where we are now.
And they never accept less than our best.

That's what Woody and Z. are for me.

I'm so blessed to have Woody and Z. in my life. I have not just one coach, I have two.

Thank You, God.

AWESOME, with some great coaches in my life.

Saturday, February 02, 2013

Every Experience is Part of His Plan

This week has been full of lessons and reminders from the Lord. I am amazed that the longer I walk with the Lord, how much more there is to learn from Him. *grin*

The first lesson was that I thought I had an idea of HOW God was going to answer some prayers in my life. I spend time in prayer, with MY IDEA of how He should answer those prayers, and (honestly) that's how I expect him to answer them on a regular basis. This week, He answered a prayer in my life in a way I never expected, but was better than I could have orchestrated it the way I though He should do it. The circumstances don't matter. The thing that I got out of it was that I need to TRUST Him in what He's up to, because I don't see what He has in store for me in the future like He does. *grin* Yes, I was humbled by that revelation. *grin*

A reminder from the Lord this week was that I need to remember I'm living for the Audience of One. Meaning, I'm living for HIM. While I've known this for YEARS, sometimes in my flesh it gets easy (too easy if I'm completely honest) to worry about what other people think of me. He loves me, and it's an unconditional love. Therefore, I'm living for Him, not for man. While it wasn't a new revelation, it was good for me to rest in as I prayed this week.

Finally, I was reminded this week by Him that my BEST is all I can give in everything I do. I like who I am, but have always struggled when something went wrong I always had that nagging afterthought, "I should have done more." The Lord spoke to me this week and reminded me that I'm already doing my best. He sees that. He's okay with that. So, I need to let that go and live in Him.

This week had highs, lows, and everything in between.

As I was surfing FB this week I saw something that really spoke to me. It pretty much made the rough moments better, and the fun times even more fun:



GOOD, With God in my life! *grin*