Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Joy of Reading *grin*

I have had a lot of posts running around in my head, but I will admit, I have had more fun READING lately than I have in quite some time. At first it was just the joy of the Kindle, and the Goodreads app (love, love, love that app!), but it is now the book Divergent that I'm reading. I tell ya, I am cheering for this girl in this book much like I cheered for Katniss in The Hunger Games series. They are similar, but different, and I was hooked from the first page of the book. *grin*

I find myself motivated to get schoolwork done so that I can read the book. I am enjoying the Kindle, but I will admit, this book has hooked me and would have hooked me even if it was the actual hand-held book. *grin* It has made me kind of fall in love with reading all over again. *grin* I love it.

So, while I have about 5 other posts running around in my head, I think I'll go read now. Stay tuned for updates on the Divergent Series. If you've already read the series, please don't spoil it for me. *giggle*


Sunday, January 19, 2014

My Amazon Kindle *grin*

So, I have found that I am one of those adults that says "I don't need an iPhone....Kindle...." Then I go to buy one and think, "This is the coolest thing EVER." Yes, I was one of those kids that once had cassette tapes to listen to my music on, and enjoyed moving up to Compact Discs when they came along. There's no telling what will exist 100 years from now when I'm dancing with Jesus in Heaven. *giggle*

Scienceguy and I swapped texts for about 10 days, as I debated between the mini iPad and Amazon Kindle. I have an iPad in my classroom, but wasn't convinced that I wanted one just yet. I tend to think there will be another version out soon, and will want that anyway. *giggle*

I finally decided on an Amazon Kindle. I am already a proud supporter of Amazon, so it was only a matter of figuring out what I wanted. Honestly, when I didn't get one for Christmas, I was sad. I didn't realize I wanted one until I didn't get one, then I REALLY wanted one. *giggle*

So, I did the debate, Kindle Fire, PaperWhite, etc.

I went with the Kindle Fire!

Next thing I knew, Scienceguy texted me and said they were on sale! I jumped on it and ordered it!

It arrived last week, and I played with it a little but since it was a school week, I didn't get to play on it a whole lot. I did use a gift card and get a couple books on it, so that was VERY exciting for me.

This weekend I have jumped into book #1 of the Divergent Series ON THE KINDLE. *grin*

I love it! I love the book AND the Kindle. *grin*

I'm also enjoying the goal I set for myself. I abandoned the last book I was reading, and am now enjoying Divergent immensely!

If you don't enjoy reading, I feel sorry for you.

This book is giving me an AMAZING movie in my mind. (And, the movie to the first book of Divergent comes out in March 2014!)

And the Kindle, yeah, it will let me have books #2 and #3 in less than one minute! Yes, this might be a little expensive, but at least ebooks are cheaper! *giggle*

Did I mention I have the day off tomorrow? Guess what I'll be doing! *giggle*


Saturday, January 04, 2014

2014 Goals and JOY

While Karen was here a few days ago, she asked me if I had any goals for 2014. I had a couple rolling around in my head, but I hadn't taken time to write them down, so I wanted to take a few minutes and get them written out tonight. Yes, there are some that you won't read, as they are between me and the Lord, but there are some I think you'll enjoy reading. *grin*

At the end of last year, I ran across a blog that posted that the author of the blog had read 80 books last year. I sat here and thought, "I have NO IDEA how many I have read." Therefore, my goal this year is to write down every title of every book I read. I will also make note if I actually finished it, or abandoned it.

This year I also want to give myself permission to abandon a book if I don't like it. This has always been hard for me. For some odd reason, I have perceived abandoning a book as a failure, and that's NOT the case. The Lord and I have REALLY been talking a lot about that lately. *grin*

I also want JOY to be my word for 2014. That is for two reasons. One, because I want to live out the JOY principle, Jesus first, others second, and myself (yourself) last. Also because scripture states that the JOY of the Lord is my strength. That's one of my favorite scriptures! I want to share JOY with others, as well as lean into Him with more than I ever have before.

I will openly admit that the car accident earlier this week has affected me. I have been DEEP in thought over the "what ifs". I can't even describe in words how thankful I am that Karen and I weren't hurt. Honestly, I have thought more about Karen than me. I am so THANKFUL He was watching over us. VERY THANKFUL.

Therefore, I want 2014 to be the year I love without limits. To (appropriately, of course) care about those around me in such a way that they know I love them.

I had always thought, "You never know if you'll have tomorrow." At the same time, I thought I'd be old when I met Jesus. After Thursday, I have a (somewhat) different take on it all. I don't think I've had this life-altering experience, but I do believe I plan to love and spread JOY on a different level. *grin*

Finally, I want to make more time to enjoy reading on a daily basis. In reflecting upon 2013, I spent a lot more time on schoolwork and less time on what I enjoy. Don't get me wrong, I will still do schoolwork when needed. However, I plan to ENJOY time each day in a good book. *grin*

There they are, a few goals for me for 2014.

I don't have any huge revelations or words for 2014.

I simply want to life, laugh, and love to the fullest extent this year.



Thursday, January 02, 2014

A Different Kind of Day

I have been deep in thought tonight.

I should start out by saying I am fine. Karen in fine.

Life is good.

However, if I am to be completely honest, today looked MUCH different than I had it going in my head. Sometimes He does that, just to see how I'll react. I think I handled it all okay, but boy has it been a day.

You're probably wondering what in the world I'm talking about. I should start at the beginning.

I awoke this morning and spent time with Jay and the Lord before getting out of bed. This is how I try to start everyday. I knew I was going to have to say good-bye to my friend Karen, and while that's fine, there was a part of me that was a little sad she was leaving. (Trust me though when I say that I KNOW she's headed where He made her to be!) *grin*

I came downstairs, we chatted briefly, and then I cleaned up while she packed. We both laughed as I headed upstairs to clean up, as I did not envy her packing to leave the country. *grin*

Not too long after that, we were headed to the post office. She mailed her letters, and we headed to the airport.

On the way to the airport is when we had a slight car accident. Good times.

It was one of those wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time moments.

Extremely long story short, an SUV crossed two lanes and hit my front passenger side to the extent it needed to be towed.

The air bags didn't release though, which was amazing.

It was one of those slow-motion moments of my life.

The SUV was backing up, and Karen says, "He's gonna hit us" and I slammed on the brake.

I'm so glad I did. Otherwise, Karen would have been hit.

Tonight I have thought about several things.

I feel grateful that we were both okay, as were the guys in the other car.

We were blessed to have an amazing tow truck driver who went above and beyond to keep us warm and safe until my Mom arrived to rescue us. Karen and I prayed over him before we left him, and I loved that moment. I also blessed him financially, as He led me. It was sweet. *grin*

I am blessed to have insurance that takes care of me while my car is being repaired. For this single gal, a car is needed, so I have a rental until mine is fixed.

I have also thought about what would have happened if I hadn't hit the brakes when I did. I don't stay there in that thought, but I'm not sure how I would have handled it if something had happened to Karen. As a friend of mine said today, steel can be replaced, but people cannot be replaced.

I have also thought about the fact I've had my new car 6 months. I'm not kidding. It has made me a little bummed, but at least it can be repaired. *grin*

This break has had me deep in thought over life, death, and everything in between.

We had a family member go Home to Heaven December 26th, so I've been pondering that a lot too.

It has made me keep a healthy perspective.

It's a car.

It's a life.

We're fine.

So, while I awoke today, and things didn't go the way I had hoped, that's okay.

Karen is headed to do what God has called her to do.

I'm healthy, with a rental car, and my car will eventually be mine again.

Life will go on.

I'm sure there will be more thoughts to share in the days to come.

For now, I have a book to read before I crash.

Tomorrow is a flex day (YEA!) to get back in the swing of things before kids on Monday.


Wednesday, January 01, 2014


I absolutely LOVE how the Lord makes each ONETHING Conference full of different experiences from the year before. This year was my eleventh Onething, and it was full of various WONDERFUL experiences. Some of them I want to share with you, in hope that it will bless you. Some I'll save just for me though. *giggle*

I was blessed to be able to serve others during the conference. This was the fourth year I have served people before attending the evening services. I have to admit, this is turning out to be a true highlight of the conference for me. In the years past, I served on shuttles. For 2013, I waited to long to sign up, and wound up volunteering in the bookstore. I LOVED IT!!! I was able to sack items for people while staff members served as cashiers. I was able to talk to people from ALL OVER the world! It was SO MUCH FUN. I also enjoyed getting to know IHOP staff too. I have seen several of them around, but I hadn't really talked to them. It was GREAT. I plan on volunteering to do that again.

I also did a shuttle shift, and that was fun too. I knew most of the people during my shift, so that was fun. My passengers were really cool too. Most of them live here, so it was cool to meet local people too.

The day I did shuttles, I spent a couple hours in the Prayer Room on the front row. Jon Thurlow was leading when I arrived, and Laura Hackett led the next shift. It was SO MUCH FUN to worship with them leading. That time went by VERY fast too! *grin*

Last year I spent almost the entire conference in the Prayer Room. This year, I attended services, and LOVED it! I think last year I was in a weird place, but this year was amazing. I had prayed that He would give me some new stuff, and He did just that.

My favorite sermon was given by Banning Liebscher. I had never heard of him, but God tends to speak to me the deepest when it's someone new. *grin* Banning spoke about walking with the Lord over TIME. It was RIGHT where I'm at. I can't really explain it all to you, as it was a God thing, but I will say that was a definite highlight for me. I bought the CD to listen to from time to time. I remember thinking, that was the first sermon is YEARS that spoke right to me. I LOVED IT.

The worship in each set I was in was AMAZING. I enjoyed Matt Redman a lot, but I admit that Matt Gilman leading us into the New Year was A BLAST! I miss Matt TONS in the GPR. It was a GREAT way to begin 2014. *grin*

As usual, it all went by VERY fast. Time ALWAYS flies when you're having fun. *grin*

It's okay too.

Only 361 days to ONETHING 2014.
