Wednesday, June 25, 2014

TEASE by Amanda Maciel *****

I have jumped into the Summer Reading Season with JOY! I will openly admit that having various gifts given to me at the end of the school year has made it FUN to finish a book and start a new one. I find myself reading more than doing anything else, and I LOVE it!!!

I wanted to write tonight about the book TEASE by Amanda Maciel. I LOVED this book. Okay, wait, perhaps "loved" is a weird word in this case. Um, it's a Young Adult book with a bully at the center of it. In our world today, we hear the word "Bully" often. I will admit, when I read the book summary on Amazon, I was immediately intrigued. This book did not let me down.

I was immersed into Sara's world. I used to think, "What can they possibly have to bully each other about?" See, I used to be bullied from time to time. (The limp was an easy target.) I handled some situations better than others, and now use one of the situations in my classroom to help students feel comfortable to talk to adults about bullying because I didn't feel that. That being said, I used to think, "A limp is a target, what other targets are there for those who aren't physically challenged?" This book taught me tons about that. I'm honestly glad my childhood didn't include the internet or social media. I also now believe (more than before I read this book) that parents need to be on the sites their kids are on. Will that eliminate cyber bullying completely? No, but gosh if parents were watching and protecting their kids, it might be decreased.

So, I recommend you pick up TEASE by Amanda Maciel. Yeah, it had a few words I don't use in my daily vocabulary, but that's what most teens do. Look beyond that for the message. It will definitely change your outlook on life.

As for me, I'm now into a new book. I'm sure a new book recommendation will be up soon!

AWESOME...on Summer Break.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Children of the Day Bible Study, Day #1

In May, a friend invited me to join a bible study at her church. I didn't even have to pray, I knew He was calling me to do it. I didn't even hesitate, and told my friend to sign me up! I missed the first night, as I was out at Camp at that time. My friend texted me and gave me a sneak preview into what the study was about. I smiled and headed on to the camp activity that was next. *grin* They didn't hold the study last week due to vacation bible school, so tonight was the first night for me. I LOVED IT.

I didn't have a book.

I didn't have my friend. (She couldn't make it.)

I fought that feeling of, "I wanna stay home tonight."

I'm SO glad I went.

Before I went, I thought to myself that I go to camp and may or may not know people, (Outside of staff) but I jump in and make friends, so I can do that tonight. *grin*

So I went.


There were nuggets that I walked away with that I've been hungry to hear. I LOVE my church, and the Prayer Room. At the same time, it was fun to have a new study that was different from the IHOP stuff. Don't get me wrong, I love the IHOP stuff, but I've heard it all. I've been dry and hungry for something new.

God answered that unspoken prayer tonight.

I'm not sure what all I'm about to dive into, but I do know I enjoyed tonight a lot. I'm looking forward to next week already. *grin*

For now, I need to order the book. *grin*

AWESOME. Thank you, Lord!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Staffers 2014, Term 1

I always pray on my drive to camp about what staffers I will be serving beside for the week. I've had some amazingly good staffers, and some that weren't stellar. Overall though, they've been His light into the lives around them. This week that was the case, as I was blessed by both the staffers I served beside.

Megan I had seen around before, but didn't know her name or how she fit into the Barnabas world. Turns out she works with the Prep program, and knows her stuff! Much like my teacher voice, she has a voice that she can break out that is very similar. I must say, she never did it, but she threatened it, and I smiled. She was super nice, and willing to do whatever she needed to do to help out. I look forward to seeing what else He has in store for her, because she's clearly in the beginning of her ministry that He has for her.

Kali, oh gosh, Kali. I felt like God paired us up so I could come alongside her and cheer her on in life. Let me first say she worked harder than anyone else in the entire cabin. I truly believe that. On about the third day, I heard her testimony, and it blessed me immensely. Kali's life is quite a testimony in itself, and she could be out causing problems because of her history. However, He gave her some amazing people in her life, and she is a blessing to everyone around her. I was also blessed to hear that we have some mutual friends, so I can stay connected with her beyond Camp. I've already sent her mail and plan to support her in any way He may have me do that. My life is now better with Kali in it. *grin*

The chances are rare that I will have these girls again as staffers this year. I've only had that happen once in my years serving at Barnabas. So, I know He will have me where He wants me. However, Megan and Kali will be on my "Amazing Staffers at Barnabas List."


Saturday, June 07, 2014

Lela, Term 1, 2014

For years, I have known a camper named Lela. She was in my cabin during Barnabreak in 2012, but I had seen her around camp even before then, I think. She is taller than me, but gosh she's precious. Lela is non-verbal, meaning that she doesn't talk at all. She can respond to yes/no questions in a variety of ways, but doesn't actually speak like you or me. Which is amazing to me, as she spoke volumes to me this week.

Let me explain.

So, Lela was in different cabin than mine this week, but when I saw her I was so glad she was there! I was a little surprised to see her, as she typically comes term 5, but I was glad to see a familiar face since I'm fairly new to Term 1. *grin* I have ALWAYS said HI to Lela every time I walked by her over the years, but haven't always stopped. This week was a little different, by her choice.

I believe the first encounter I had with Lela was at the first party. It's the first one I can recall at least. (I wonder if they make memory pills, as I am finding getting older is character-building. *grin*) I saw her with one of my favorite staffers from last year, and was excited when they came over to me. I offered Lela my chair, and she took it briefly. Then she stood up and took my hands. I silently prayed in my head because I remembered that Lela has been known to hit people, even when attempting to connect with them.

I remember one year (I can't remember what specific year it was) when she was trying to connect with a guy right outside the dance in the dining hall, and would hug, then hit, then go away from him. That cycle would repeat over and over again, and her CIA would have to stop her. It was quite a sight to watch. Therefore, I was somewhat prepared for the hit, but prayed silently that she wouldn't hit me and she never did. *grin*

So, that first interaction was under the dome, and she took my chair and sat down. Next, she stood up and grabbed my hands as I talked to her. I told her I remembered her stealing my pretzels the weekend we were at Barnabreak. I asked her if she wanted me to go get pretzels, and she shook her head no and smiled. Julia, one of the CIA's (and a favorite staffer of mine from last year), was there and said that it was the first smile they had seen so far. (It was the first night, so thankfully it wasn't as if it had been all week without a smile.) *grin* Then they would go to leave, and then came back to me two or three times. Each time she came back, she would take my hands and I would talk to her. Honestly, I felt honored to be invited into her world. Then she would move on. When I felt as if the moment had passed, I left to join my cabin. Overall, this was probably a twenty minute time period, and it was the highlight of my day that day. *grin*

One other time, I was walking on the path with Molly and Brittany, and Lela and her two gals were with her, and Lela walked up and took my arm. So, I started walking with her, arm-in-arm, as we walked to her cabin. I LOVED that moment. Lela could have let go at any moment, as I don't ever force a camper to hold on, but she just held on. When I got her back to her cabin, I left her to go join Brittany and Molly. I was still smiling on the inside because I had (once again) been invited into Lela's world again. *grin*

On Thursday it rained HARD in the morning, and activities were canceled and there was a coffee shop kind of thing in the dining hall. Upon entering I walked down the aisle and Lela saw me. I said "Hi" and they were headed to the restroom, so I helped take her there. We went there and it turned out she didn't need to go, so I walked her back to her table. What happened next still has me smiling.

A little while later, I was talking to two former staffers, and Lela found me. She purposely sought me out and took my hands. I stopped talking to my friends, and turned to talk with her. She just stood there, made eye contact, and listened. I didn't expect her to stay long, but we shared that moment for longer than I expected. As usual, she always had the ability to leave, but she seemed happy to just stay with me. She never said a word, but gosh she was so precious in that moment. It was, quite possibly, my favorite moment of the entire week. Not because I'm anyone super special, but because Lela felt connected to me, when she simply doesn't share that kind of moment with everyone. In that way, I did feel special. *grin*

After I got home yesterday, one of my friends that had been there and witnessed the whole thing, sent me a picture of it and stated that she asked around and Lela doesn't do that with everyone. That just made me grin ear-to-ear. Not because I'm some long-lost insecure gal, but because it made me appreciate that moment even more.

On a daily basis, I find highlights of each day. Out at camp, there are so many that during family time each night it's hard to pick just one. But, in order to get enough sleep each night, everyone typically chooses just one. *grin*

Each time Lela chose me, I smiled because I knew the Lord was speaking to me through her. He always does that, He always chooses those that are non-verbal to teach me the most. You're probably thinking, "What? How? She doesn't talk." Yep, the Lord reminded me that I'm still His, I'm not alone, and that in the battle I'm currently in (won't share, it's private) He's with me. *grin* Even though I can't talk about what's up (I'm fine, this isn't life or death, just a shift in some things for me) He's there.


Thank You Lord for Lela.

My life is better with her in it, and yes, I'll share pretzels with her any time.


Friday, June 06, 2014

Term 1, 2014, Camp Barnabas, Adult Friends

For the second year in a row, I attended Camp Barnabas' Term 1, Adult Friends Week. While I was slightly hesitant due to the lack of a break between work and camp, it turned out to be a gift from the Lord.

Upon arrival, we had our usual training stuff. You'd think I would hate that, but I don't. That time is a good time to get to know our cabins and learn about our future campers. In one of our sessions, one of the camp leaders said, "This place changes you." I couldn't agree more. *grin*

From our first cabin meeting to camper pickup today, the Lord continually met me in the coolest ways. The most amazing thing is how I'm not as tired as I usually am after a week at camp. I figure I want to share all I can tonight before I forget stuff. (This getting older stuff is for the birds.) *grin*

Upon meeting everyone in our cabin, I had one thought, "I Love how He brings people together who don't know each other, and we all become a family by the end." This week that was very true.

Training seems long because you sit for hours, but it wasn't too bad. I started doing thank you cards in the session, as sitting still is hard for me. I was SUPER tired Sunday and Monday, as my body had to adjust to lack of soda and candy. Truth be told, I feel better now than I have in a long time. I drank tons of water (I always do at camp) and literally felt better.

Camper cards always make me pray, and I prayed for the week as the girls were going through the cards. I went into the week not knowing one of our campers. I was slightly bummed, as I really wanted some of my campers from last year. Of course, He had other ideas. *grin* It was a stretch for me, as I usually know the campers, but since I have only attended Term 1 last year for the first time, I didn't know any of them. As it turned out, I LOVED every one of them. *grin* Happens every time.

Something that is always amazing is how perfectly each CIA and camper are paired up. They pray and then pick based upon the time with the Lord. It ALWAYS works out. *grin* I love how He does that!

So, Anna (CIA) took Paula (Camper). Anna changed this week. She went from a shy young lady, to a gal who could entertain the campers through her animal impersonations. She's pretty amazing. And Paula, well, she was shy but Anna was able to make her feel included. It was AMAZING. *grin* I was so happy to see Anna happy at the end of the week. She did a GREAT job with all the girls.

Molly (CIA) took Brittany and Amanda. Yes, she had two campers because we had fewer CIA's than campers. This was Molly's first year as a CIA, but you wouldn't have guessed that by watching her. She did GREAT with both girls. Speaking personally, I enjoyed the time spent with Molly, walking all over camp with Brittany. I'm praying Molly goes out for Staff. Barnabas would be BLESSED to have her. Amanda was an amazing camper that was patient in ways I probably wouldn't have been as a young adult. I hope to be in Amanda's cabin again, because I want to get to know her better. I spent more time with others, and didn't get super close to Amanda.

Brittany (Camper) is a precious young lady who walks at my pace. We got to know each other very well, and He knitted our hearts together. I had seen her around camp before, but I never knew her name. My life is better now with Brittany in it.

Dani (CIA) was paired up with Traci (Camper) and I adored both the girls. Both of them loved to laugh, Traci especially! *grin* One night while waiting for dinner, we wound up laughing so hard my side hurt! It was AWESOME! I don't know Dani as well because Traci did so well on her own, but I did think Dani did an incredible job with Traci.

Kelsee (CIA) and Leanna (Camper) were paired up, and I know God worked on both of their hearts this week. Leanna is a sweetheart who is coming back Term 7, just like I am! That made me SUPER happy! *grin* Kelsee has amazing potential, and she will remain on my prayer list in the days and years to come. She's amazing, I am just not sure she sees what I do in her, which is all good. *grin*

Lydia (CIA) was paired with Julie and Cassie (Both campers). I think Lydia had two of the most entertaining campers in the cabin. Lydia did an AMAZING job, helping EVERYONE, not just her campers, with a cheerful heart. She made me smile a lot. Julie's verbal skills kept us smiling regularly, and loved everyone in our cabin freely. She also carries joy just by being herself. Each night at wrap-up, she was dancing and clapping, and inspiring our cabin to enjoy the music. It was neat. Cassie, well, was Cassie, and her verbal abilities ALWAYS made us laugh. She was GREAT at telling each of us that she loved us. At first, I had to get used to it, as it sounded a little robotic. However, the more she said it, the more I understood that was her true feeling. She just struggles to share new thoughts and would share the same things over and over. I felt it was the Lord reminding our girls how loved they are by Him. We all loved Julie and Cassie in special ways. *grin*

Grace (CIA) and Amy (Camper) were paired up, and that was also perfect. Amy had us laughing often through her, well, sounds. She burped a lot, but also just made sounds that would turn into laughter. We loved Amy! Grace also held a special place in my heart, as the Lord stretched her all week since she was homesick. Grace did a GREAT job, and I don't think Amy even knew that Grace was homesick. She really pushed through, and I was proud of her. I hope she comes back, as she did a great job while being homesick, and I can only imagine what He would do through her when she wasn't homesick. I'll be praying for her in the days and weeks to come. *grin*

Grace (CIA) and Rebecca (Camper) were paired up. Now don't get confused here, we had two CIA's named Grace. I will admit, both gals named Grace were homesick, but they both pushed through. I was so proud. Also, Grace did a great job being honest and real during family times, and I LOVED that. *grin* I tried to give Rebecca a nickname all week, and she wouldn't let me. It was kind of funny to me, but I respected her wishes. I didn't know Rebecca well, as she did well on her own, but I liked her a lot. She made me smile often, as she would say, "There's Mommy", referring to me. *grin*

I think the added bonus was that my girls from last year also returned. I spent a small amount of time with my girls from last year too, which made me smile. Crystal (Camper) poked me every time she saw me, and called me "Momma Shannon." *grin* Today before we left, Crystal had me sign her shirt. I have to admit, that made me smile. *grin*

Ashley returned (camper) too and I was able to make her laugh every time I saw her. It was fun. Today she kissed my hands twice at breakfast. She is precious!

Red-Head Ashlee was also back (Camper) and would mess up my hair or hat every chance she had. Red-Head REALLY likes me a lot, and we haven't been in the same cabin for YEARS. However, I smiled a big smile because she still remembers me. *grin*

Becky (camper) hugged me every time she saw me. Her staff figured out how to make her walk faster, but making it a walking race. Becky seemed happier this year, which I was glad to see.

Mary Kate (Camper) was also back, but said very little. She hasn't changed much, but seemed to be having a good time. Mary Kate never really said a lot, but came back, so I was happy to see her.

Jennifer (camper) returned and more than once I stopped to help calm her down. We had several storms move through, and she is scared of storms. I was proud of her, as she pushed through. I hope Jennifer comes back next year.

Lela, oh, Lela, that will be a separate post tomorrow. The Lord TOTALLY spoke to me through Lela. *grin*

Other highlights included the new dome at the tennis courts, being asked by leadership to do something new for one evening (I liked it more than I thought I did.), making unity ankle bracelets, sharing my testimony during gospel, winning Honor Cabin on Day #1, laughing, being a third, Wrap up, catching up with staffers, seeing Julia and Taylor, and being caught in the rain with Brittany and Molly.

Finally, I stopped by and saw Ronni and her family before heading home. It was WONDERFUL to see her. She has grown up! It was a great end to the trip.

So, now I'm home on the couch and am quite happy here. I plan on resting tomorrow. I LOVE camp, but I also like being home too!

By the way, yes, I walked away changed too. It's something I can't put into words. I just know that He blessed me this past week in ways that I can't explain, and I'm happier tonight than I was one week ago.

Thank You, Lord.
