Saturday, August 30, 2014

If I Stay *****

Not too long ago I was walking through a favorite bookstore, and I came across the book, "If I Stay" by Gayle Forman. I will admit, I chose it because of the cover and the story synopsis on the back. I don't think I followed ANY of the guidelines that I try to teach my students to follow. *giggle*

I wound up LOVING the book. Due to the fact the movie just came out, I don't want to get into it too much, but I will admit, the book challenged me on SEVERAL levels. It was fun.

Earlier this week, I was invited to see the film today, and I was REALLY happy about it! I kind of feel like a kid at Christmas when I go to see a movie that is based upon a book that I have read. It is a fun little hobby of mine. *grin*

Today I went with friends to see the movie, and we had a FABULOUS time.

I felt that they did a great job sticking to the book. That is VERY important to me. I also felt the actors and actresses did an amazing job too. Yep, overall, I REALLY enjoyed it. *grin*

Next up is Maze Runner (Cannot wait.), Gone Girl (Just got the book today), and Mockingjay, Part 1 (SQUEEEE).

God has really blessed me with some fun movie buddies here.



If you have time, you should check out the book and the movie, IF I STAY. Read the book first though.

I warn you, the book is better.



Sunday, August 17, 2014


Today I saw the first movie in a theatre for the Summer 2014 Season. I know, it's sad to admit, I didn't see a movie until now, but well, that's how the Summer went for me. *grin* I was excited to see THE GIVER as I read the book YEARS ago, followed by another time last week. Yep, I wanted to re-read it to compare it to the book today. *grin* When I read the book both times, I LOVED IT. It has been a favorite for years! I almost felt like a little kid looking forward to Christmas as I drove to the theatre today.

As I pulled up, I saw the sign that said, "Fork and Spoon" Theatre. I immediately texted my brother to learn what that meant. Yep, I'm that outta touch with what's going on in the world. *giggle* He explained that they bring you food during the movie! I figured that since my Barnabas friend chose it, it would be cool. As it turned out, my friend didn't realize that it was a serving theatre that we were going to see the movie in. After some discussion, we decided to go anyway. I'll admit, I wouldn't do this thing EVERY time, but for a special treat, it was kinda cool. They brought me my pop and popcorn. *grin*

I will state that, the movie was enjoyable.

However, you know what's coming...THE BOOK IS SO MUCH BETTER. *giggle*

They changed several things in the movie that I wouldn't have changed, but they didn't ask my opinion either. I don't want to ruin it for you, as you may want to see it.

I suggest you read the book first though. It will make a lot more sense if you do.

In the future, I plan on seeing IF I STAY and THE MAZE RUNNER.

I cannot wait.

Yes, I read both of those books too.


Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Abolition Summit 2014, Night #1

Tonight I attended the first night of the Abolition Summit at IHOP-KC. I will admit, when I saw the schedule, I was EXCITED because Misty Edwards was leading music and Annie Lobert of "Hookers for Jesus" was speaking. I grinned and made note of tonight, as I knew tonight would be good.

I was right! *grin*

I'll be the first to admit, it's been quite a while since I've been in one of Misty's sets, and it was powerful for me. It was one of those sets that can't be explained in words, and that's okay. Some things just can't be explained in words when God meets you. *grin*

I know Annie Lobert's story from the first Nefarious movie, but I was excited to see her in person. Her message was amazingly good. She made it humorous, but also brought it down to some points I needed to hear. She's here for the Abolition Summit, but her sermon could be applied to anyone in a character-building season. I LOVED IT. *grin*

I can't get into details as to what my character-building season is about at the moment, but Misty's song fits perfectly:



Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Year #16 Is About to Begin *grin*

Earlier this week I sent out messages to all the parents of my students entering 7th grade, telling them I have presents for each of them. I heard back from three of the eight parents. I guess that's okay. I'll eventually get the gifts to the kids. It always works out. I'll be honest, one of the hardest parts of my job is that the kids move on. However, I realize this is normal, and part of the cycle of life. I get it. *grin*

I can't believe I'm about to begin year #16.

I feel like I was just graduating college yesterday. *grin*

I have plans for this year to be AMAZINGLY good!

I have already started on my classroom. I love the pre-preparation week. In other words, I like that I can come and go this week on my own schedule. *grin* Next week I'm back on contract time, so I'm trying to enjoy my last week of freedom. *grin*

By the way, two of the kids came by today (with their parents) for their gifts.

They liked what I gave them.

It's okay, they can move on.

Just because they move on doesn't mean they forget elementary school, it just means I have more Middle School events to attend when their parents continue to invite me. *giggle*


Saturday, August 02, 2014

A Picture That Made Me Smile *grin*

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and well, I must admit one of my pictures from Term 7 had me giggling last night while I was at the Sporting Match last night. I wanted to take a moment and share with you the JOY I had with Ronni at camp when the picture was taken. *grin* At the same time I need to set it up before I explain it. (The picture I'm talking about is my profile pic)

See, each night at camp (except Cross Carry night) we have a party for the campers. On the night of this CUTE picture (in my opinion) the party had some decorations put up in the dining hall. The decorations included streamers in various colors. It's common for the campers to pull the streamers down at the end of the party, it's just part of camp. Well, on this night, Ronni wanted the streamers.

I'm sure we've done this before, but after 8 years, everything sort of runs together. *grin*

So, at the beginning of wrap-up (our short music/sermon/announcements service before bed), Ronni pulled down the streamers. I started to wrap her up in the streamers, and she said, "No, Shanna, I do you." I stood there because I wasn't sure what she meant, but it only took a moment and I understood. She wanted to wrap ME in the streamers. Seemed perfect to me, as that's totally a camp thing to do! *grin*

We stood at first, and then sat down during the sermon, which is only about 5 minutes long. *grin* She had me wrapped up, similar to a mummy. I felt like most of the camp attendees watched, but that was fine. Everyone knows Ronni, and people seemed to be smiling. I thought it was cool.

So today when her Mother wrote "Why do you put up with her abuse?" I had to laugh.

I can see what she meant. I do let Ronni have fun with me like that from time to time.

The thing is, her Mom doesn't know what happened at the end of Wrap-Up.

I thought it would be a battle with her to let me get up, but the opposite happened.

After the "Go to bed" announcement was made, she said something like, "No, Shanna...wait..."

What happened next was precious.

She slowly took the streamers off me AND helped me up.

Ronni can be stubborn sometimes, but I tell ya what, the girl has a heart of gold.

Several times during Term 7, Ronni would start walking with the girls from our cabin and she would stop at the bottom of the hill and say, "Come on, Shanna."

It made me smile.

It always amazes me how I go out to help the campers, CIA's, and staffers at camp. Yet, I walk away so full of love from the Ronni's, Anna's, Aubrey's, E.C.'s, Adrian's, Morgan's, Brianna's, Megan's, and Rae's.

I'll be honest though, Ronni, is a highlight every year.

I am blessed to have that girl and her family in my life. Truly. Blessed.
