Monday, October 27, 2014

Speaking to Southern Students

I took today off work to speak to students at MSSU. I do this once per semester, and today I spoke to the 11am class. There were about 50 people in the room, as two classes are combined for my presentation. I spoke on living life this side of Heaven with CP, and how that shapes my classroom today. I'll be honest, I LOVE sharing with college students. I think the more college students can gain prior to being in the classroom and having situations arise where they think, "Um, they didn't teach me this in college", the better. *grin*

Afterward, I went out for lunch with the professors. That's been an unexpected blessing that I never would have predicted when I started sharing at MSSU. I consider the ladies to be wonderful friends, and I enjoyed chatting with them at lunch. I also got to share with them about my favorite book of all-time! They will be getting mail!!! *grin* You know me, I LOVE BOOKS!

Today was a lot of fun.

Truthfully, I'm looking forward to being with my students tomorrow too.

But, don't tell them that. *giggle*


Friday, October 24, 2014

A Visit with New Friends, The Thurlow's!

Last summer, in between camp sessions (I believe), Kinsey Thurlow asked me via FB if I would like to meet her and Jon for tea. I said sure and that I'd let her know when I was free after camp. Well, camp came and went, and honestly, it slipped my mind that they wanted to get together. I wanted to get together with them, but summer is just so busy that I forgot to write back. So, about a month ago-ish (giggle), I sent them a message about something else, and the idea of getting together came back up. I liked the idea, but also knew it would take some planning between their ministry schedule and my teaching schedule. So, I mentioned that I was off today, and that was a possibility. As it turned out, today worked! *grin*

For those of you new to my world, Jon Thurlow is one of the worship leaders at IHOP-KC. He leads several sets during the week in the Global Prayer Room (G.P.R.). His wife, Kinsey, serves beside him in ministry at IHOP-KC, and also teaches a little bit outside of IHOP. That's about all I knew about them. Although, I do get their monthly newsletter, so I do know a little bit more than that. *grin*

We met at Panera here in Lee's Summit, and it was the first thing I've ever sat down and talked with them. The neat thing is that I have a few friends who are worship leaders, so I wasn't star-struck. Instead I was simply sitting with two new friends who happen to be full-time staffers at IHOP-KC. They are a precious couple with a genuine heart for the Lord, which simply shines through in all they do.

They wanted to get to know me, just as I got to know them. It was a lot of fun, as I've seen them around IHOP-KC tons, but we never really talked beyond, "Hi". They are a very special couple, and it's clear that the Lord has some amazing things in store for them in the future. They have blessed me in the short time I've lived here in so many ways that today was just cool.

I will say that one of my favorite things to do is hear testimonies of how He has taken people in and out of seasons in their lives, as it has led them to where they are today. I heard from each of them how they wound up here, and then how they connected. It's precious. Absolutely precious. *grin*

Tomorrow I have lunch plans with another IHOP-KC friend.

I love long weekends!

Oh, and the Thurlow's blessed me with Jon's new CD! *grin*

God is so good.

(I have several other posts rolling around in my head. So glad conferences are over, so I can write more. *grin*)