Friday, May 29, 2015

A Lesson In Perseverance *grin*

My favorite project of the year (and I'm not being sarcastic here, I really do love it) is the end-of-year slideshow. For those of you new to my little corner of the world this year, I am in charge of the slideshow that is played at our assembly on the last day of school. *grin* It is one of the many highlights of the year in the building I teach in. It's amazing.

Throughout the school year, I walk around and take pictures of the kids. Before school, in car rider duty, and in our big events like school carnival and the back to school picnic I take pics. I take hundreds of photos and the last quarter of the year I organize them, add music, and make a slideshow. The kids know I am the one that is in charge of it, so I am quite popular when the camera comes out! *grin*

So, I worked on it for about 6 weeks prior to the last day of school. I'll admit it, part of me is a perfectionist, and I like it "just right" for the last day of school. I would estimate that 30 hours went into the slideshow up until the night before the assembly. I had it just like I wanted it. I added music, clicked save, and took Jay out. I came in to see how it looked, and it wouldn't load. I re-started the computer thinking that would work. At that point, I had a message that said, "file is now corrupt." I sat there and my thought bubble was like, "no, no, no, no, no!!!!!" I tried about 3 more times, and it was clear I couldn't open it up.

I stopped, paused, and prayed.

I knew that if I explained it to my principal (and showed her the evidence) she'd give me grace. It wasn't my fault.

However, I thought of the kids and how much they look forward to the slideshow each year.

And at 10:30-ish the night before the assembly, I started ALL OVER AGAIN.

I resigned myself to the fact it wouldn't be as cool as the first one, but I could still get to my photos, so I knew I could do it. I was up until 2am working on it, and more than once the thought of, "I wonder how many people would have done it again after the first one crashed?" Truthfully, I could see most of my fellow staff members pulling it off. I also knew this could be a great story for the students in the fall when I hear the words, "I don't want to do that assignment." After all, God doesn't waste time.

I'm still tired, and imagine tomorrow I'll feel fine.

In case you're wondering, the slideshow was a hit and I honestly think it was better than the first one I made because I added some pics I didn't initially put in it. I didn't let down the kids, and I did my best in the time frame I had. I was successful in doing it.

I've heard many kids say, "I don't want to work hard, I just want to play". I'm hoping that this little story can plant a seed in some kids who are avoiding the hard work. I realize perspective changes as a person matures, but I believe He will use this to blessed kids in a special way because I stayed up so late to do what was right for them.

As for me, I'm glad school is out and break is upon us. I'm actually finding it hard to just sit.

That's okay, my house is looking better than it has since school started. *grin*

As for the 2015-2016 slideshow, that will begin in 82 days. I'm not even kidding on that. *grin*

I love my job. For real.


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Mind Blown! *grin*

It's my first day of Summer Break and I have spent the morning cuddling with the sweetest dog on the planet. The past three days have been a blur, with my "to do" list quite long. However, the list is completed, and I've taken a morning to rest. Now I want to share about a moment yesterday that blew me away.

Yesterday was our last day of school. I will share in the near future about my slideshow challenges, because that was my biggest project that I worked on the last 6 weeks. *grin* The last day of school in our building is really cool because we have an assembly with awards and the slideshow. After that, there are various activities in the classrooms. I don't have students that day, so I work on various other projects. This year, that included moving classrooms again. I will state that I moved back to a room I was in 3 years ago. *grin* I was fine with it though, and they have promised me that I won't move next year. *grin*

Of course, the last day meant saying, "Good-bye" to some students, and "See ya later" to others. Since I teach Special Education, I get to keep some of the students I had. *grin* I had a parent of one of my students text me while I was driving to work. I waited to read them until I got to work (it can ALWAYS wait, not worth reading and driving), and it stated that there was a gift she wanted to give me because the young man didn't want to give it to me in person. I told her when I was available, and it was set for after school.

After school, I met her in the office, and there was a board with the words "I like you" on it. For those of you new to my world, I say, "I like you" to students as they leave my room each time. It comes from a website where a little guy states, "I almost love you, but I like you." Let's be real, if I said, "I love you" to the kids, that would be awkward for both of us. However, "I like you" fits. Sometimes my students don't make the best decisions, and they wear me out to the point I stop and take a deep breath before speaking to them. However, that does not change whether I like them or not. I may not like their choices all the time, but it doesn't change how I feel about them as a human being. EVER. *grin*

In addition to that, so many of my students struggle with self esteem and how they fit into the whole school community. I make a point to speak into their lives so that they know there is an adult who sees them beyond their mistakes, and also cheers them on in their successes. *grin*

So, I have a student who struggles with making good choices. Since Kindergarten he has struggled with them, but honestly, I wanted him in my classroom. He told his Mom after I told him that, after I told him I wanted him in my class. That clearly impacted him. On a daily basis, he challenged me in ways that wore me out. At the same time, there were days that he would do something that made me proud of him. For example, a student was upset one day, and he took time to encourage him without being prompted. Just like out at camp, I clung to those moments in the times when I had to take a deep breath (and said a silent prayer in my head) before confronting his choice that wasn't what was expected in the classroom.

I can't recall him saying, "I like you" to me, but I said it often. I also often had the thought, "his behavior isn't changing, am I doing enough for this kid?" Of course, that's an attack from the enemy, but when behaviors don't change, it's a valid thought. He knew what to say to me when I spoke to him before the day began, but couldn't follow through with what he told me. It broke my heart, and made me wonder how to reach him so the behaviors wouldn't get in the way of his learning.

So yesterday, when his Mom met me in the office and gave me the sign that says, "I like you" that that young man had made, I smiled. I had a huge thought, "Just when I wonder if I'm reaching a student, they really are listening and I am making a difference." *grin*

Currently it's sitting in sight of where I sit now on my couch. I will need to find the perfect place for it, but for now, it's perfect. It's going to be a constant reminder for me not to give up on a student. I haven't given up on a kid yet, but I believe that sometimes God gives us little gifts to remind us that we're doing is working.

Thank You, God.

What an amazing way to start Summer Break.

Coming up next, a post on the parent that cried when I took a picture with her child on the last day of school. Also, the slideshow that almost didn't happen. *grin*

I believe yesterday He was reminding me that what I'm doing is making a difference.


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Oneday 2000---15 Years Later

On May 20, 2000, I stood on a hill in the rain, right outside of Memphis, Tennessee, and my life was impacted dramatically by that entire day of worship, speakers, and prayer times. I remember, as if it was yesterday, standing on that hill and telling the Lord that I wanted to live my life for Him. I didn't ask Him for a wedding or kids or the typical American Dream. I wanted to simply live my life for Him.

It's hard to believe that fifteen years have passed since then. I may not have had the wedding or kids or any of that. However, I am convinced I have the BEST job on the planet, and am walking out what He made me to do. I am convinced of that. *grin*

At the same time, I am preparing to enter into a new chapter of my life, and am feeling all sorts of emotions as I grow closer to it. While I am not in a spot where I can tell the world what's up, I can say that I am about to walk into a season that I know won't always be easy, but it will be full of life, laughter, and love. It will also be a season that I rely on Him in a way I haven't before, but I like that. That's why He waited until now for me to jump into this with both feet. *grin*

My favorite song from Oneday 2000 has the lyrics in it that have become a prayer for me throughout the past fifteen years and they say: "Give me a pure and holy passion, give me one magnificent obsession, give me one glorious ambition for my life, to know and follow hard after You."

I still play that song from time to time. It's number eight on my "most played" list. It's still my prayer from my heart to His, as I still desire to be close to Him in all I do. *grin*

Wow. Fifteen years.

I can't wait to see has happened in 2030 when I do my next Oneday 2000 post. *giggle*


Saturday, May 09, 2015

Teacher Appreciation Week

In May, many schools celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. The school I teach at just finished it, and we were definitely appreciated by our PTA, staff, and I even received a couple gifts from special students. It was a lot of fun, and on top of it all, we were able to wear jeans all week. *grin*

So, typically this is the part where I write about my favorite teacher of all-time. Well, I feel like Hops knows her impact on my life. I also believe those closest to me have heard the Hops stories as well. *grin* So, I want to write about Teachergal who is a teacher to high schoolers in Texas.

Teachergal loves her students in a way that amazes me. We were friends when I was in college, and we have been friends for 19 years. Just thinking about that makes me smile. We won't mention the time I fell outside of Dellinger Hall. Badoomp! *grin*

Teachergal teaches the big kids, which amazes me, as I can't imagine big people land. I'm sure she can't imagine little people land either. *giggle* She is able to deal with the hardest kids, and reaches them! Years later, they come back to talk to her, which is saying a lot for high schoolers who may not be fired up about being at school to begin with. *grin*

This week she was working nearly non-stop because she is senior class sponsor and got to prepare for Prom. More than once she probably wanted to curl up with her pup and hide, but she isn't that type of gal. She stayed up late, got up early, and did everything in the middle, to make sure those seniors had the Prom of a lifetime. *grin*

I also imagine that tonight's Prom was one that those seniors will remember for a lifetime because of the hard work Teachergal put into it. I also imagine that there will be some that realize her efforts, and some that don't. That's typical of teens. Most teens are only able to see themselves in it all, so I'm not sure how much appreciation she will receive for her efforts.

I've watched her over the years as she has given her best at her job, everyday. Some days have been good, and others have been character-building. However, I can't imagine Teachergal doing anything else. Sure, she may move into another part of teaching, that's one of the perks of the career is that you can move around in it. However, I truly believe God made her to be with those young people for a time such as this.

God's using her to bless others, and I see it.

Keep teaching, Teachergal. You may not always feel appreciated by the kids, but please know someone is noticing your hard work and dedication to those students.

Awesome...with Teachergal Teaching the Youth of America *grin*