Tuesday, July 14, 2015


Today I woke up SUPER early and made a whirlwind trip with my brother, Jeff, to Joplin to support my family as they laid to rest one of the neatest young people I've been blessed to know.

It has been several years since I've truly hung out with Matt, but that doesn't mean I think losing him at the age of 26 was easy for anyone. In fact, today my AMAZING family had the hardest day of their lives. Knowing that broke my heart. I spent ten years in Joplin, and those first few years I spent a fair amount of time with Matt and his brother Josh. I actually kid-sat them when they were at the age of needing a sitter. Obviously, they outgrew that need, and I just enjoyed hanging out with them as they got older.

The thing I remember most about Matt is his laugh.

Matt was always laughing or telling a funny story when I was around him.

I remember so many times he would make me laugh so hard I broke out into the silent laugh.

He was a genuinely happy person.

Today, at one point during the service, I pictured Matt coming out of his casket and saying, "Come on, let's have some fun!" That's just how I remember him.

I'll be praying in the days and weeks to come as my family misses the amazing Matt.

I believe that losing people is the hardest part of living life this side of Heaven.

The good news is, we will one day be united. *grin*

Matt, thanks for all the laughter and love. We all miss you already.

Dear God, please strengthen my family. Life this side of Heaven is difficult because we can't see Matt until we're with You. So please give everyone what they need to walk out their lives on this side of Heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Life is still good, because I know I will see Matt again one day in Heaven. I also know that Matt would not want us all to stay sad because he's gone. I realize we need to walk through the emotions in a healthy way, but I also believe that after that, he wants us to live life to the fullest. I also believe he would want us to have fun while we do it too.


Thursday, July 09, 2015

MIxed Blessings

Every Summer, one of my favorite young adults comes to visit for a couple days. He's now almost 15. Ohmygosh, I can't believe it. So, I have been looking forward to today all week. I have a few plans made for us, and it should be a lot of fun.

The ride to meet his family to get him, turned out to be more eventful than I ever expected it to be, and it turned out to be a mixed blessing sort of trip, I think.

We had planned to meet in Nevada, Missouri, which is halfway between where I live and Dinosaurguy lives. So, Nevada is a perfect meeting spot.

I made it to Nevada fine.

As I was en-route to McDonald's, a truck pulled out in front of me.

HE HAD A STOP SIGN. I did not have a stop sign, light, or anything.

I literally looked in their faces as they were in front of me and there wasn't anything more I could do than slam on my brakes and turn. I hit the driver's side door with my front end.

My initial thought (honestly): NOT AGAIN.

I have only had my car 2 years. I've now had 3 accidents. I'm not a bad driver, these things just happen. My 2006 car didn't have one accident. My 1999 car only had one accident in 2006. Seriously.

So, the excellent news is that no one was hurt. We were all a bit shaken, but no one was hurt.

I called for an officer to come file a report, he agreed (and put in the report) that the fault was the other driver's.

I called the insurance company and will get to pay my deductible and will eventually be reimbursed. I hope.

My accident in January 2014 was supposed to end with me being reimbursed, and I'm still waiting on that one.

But, it's just a car.

Okay, yeah, I'm bummed, I won't lie. I work SO HARD for it, and then the accident happened AGAIN.

However, life goes on.

Tomorrow I get a rental.

I get to spend the next 2 days with one of my all-time favorite people.

And eventually I will get my blue car back.

Yeah, it's mixed emotions but that's okay.

This side of Heaven that's part of the whole experience.


Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Deep Thoughts with Ms. Springer *grin*

I have started SEVERAL posts, put them in "draft", and signed out more times than I can count. My head is full of so many things. I'm thinking that I should just do a post of random thoughts, as that seems to be how my mind is working lately. None of it is bad, it is simply random. *grin*

1. Tornado Warnings now get my attention. Due to the tornado in Joplin in May 2011 (that happened on my Birthday, I might add), I now take tornado warnings and watches seriously. I watched people in Joplin lose homes, wallets, shoes, the list could go on and on. Fortunately, no one I knew lost their life. At the same time, I now have a closet ready for me with my personal supplies, shoes, and room for Jay. I don't take it lightly like I did prior to 2011. Ever. Last night we had more weather drama. I was on my porch praying because we weren't under a warning. I watched a wall cloud attempt to become a funnel, and it didn't. I thanked God. Prayer works, so He reminded me of that last night too. *grin*

2. I take so much of my life for granted. Daily I pray for a family who lost their child at age 17. She was at a pool party and had no idea that morning that that evening she'd be with the Lord. Death always affects me in one way or another. Lately, I have literally woken up and thanked Him for today. I am not feeling sick or think I'm dying, but I am living life differently. I am loving more, listening more, praying more, and offering more. He didn't give me today for me, He gave me today to bless others. I intend to do just that. *grin*

3. Camp Barnabas. Gosh, I wish I could take you, my reader, to my favorite place this side of Heaven. Even if Camper Arrival is all you see, you would know that cheers are loud (or soft, depending upon camper needs) for people with different bodies or minds. Our world is so rough and hard at times, but there is a pocket in Missouri, where love is not taught but rather caught and lives are changed for a lifetime.

4. The Skin You're In. I spent most of my thought life on this topic recently. I love to people watch. I also listen. Tons. I realized that I have blogged several times on this topic. I remembered something recently from my childhood that was deep for me. I can remember being a kid and I was about to go into surgery for my leg. I was scared, so scared that I wanted my Mom to trade bodies with me just long enough to get through the surgery and recovery. I don't remember saying this to her, I just remember thinking it. After the surgery, I wanted to be able to back in my own body. I was afraid of the pain, which is a typical fear for anyone who has any type of surgery. Later, I remember thinking that I was glad I couldn't change bodies because I liked me. Well, as much as I could at that point. I've come to believe that a lot of loving the skin you're in, comes with time and maturity.

I've been watching people all over in my little corner of the world. Some people are loving life. Other people are trying to figure out what God has for them. Other people are mad at the world, and God. The most heartbreaking scenario I witness though is when someone doesn't like themselves to the point they want to change something about them. See, I think God gave us the body that we are best suited to handle. He knew, before we were even born, what we could walk through this side of Heaven. That doesn't mean I think everything is easy, because I haven't had it all easy. However, each lesson I've walked through has brought forth fruit in a later season. I can't imagine being anyone else, even with the limp and challenges associated with that. Having CP is often what people see, and they don't look deeper. That's fine. What they don't know is that CP is part of me, not all of me. I like me. I wouldn't want to be anyone else. Period. And my heart breaks for those who want to be someone other than who He created them to be.

I have started praying for the kids, young and old, who don't like who they are because life is too short this side of Heaven not to like what He's given us. One of my favorite parts of camp is that the campers may have disabilities, but everyone gets to know them beyond their disability. They get to know them as the person God made them to be.

Okay, so four random thoughts. I've got many, many more, however, I have a book I want to read. Perhaps tomorrow I'll write more. Or maybe not. The book I'm into now is REALLY good. *grin*

I don't say this, ever, but, THANK YOU for reading my blog. I am blessed that you took time to read my random thoughts, so to speak. *giggle*

Awesome. *grin*

Friday, July 03, 2015

Movie #3: Inside Out

I'm falling behind on my posts. I think that's what I'm supposed to do though, I mean, it is Summer. *grin*

I saw the movie Inside Out this past Wednesday with two of my favorite people in L.S.

I was REALLY excited because we decided to see it in 3D. I don't know why, but I REALLY enjoy 3D movies. *grin*

This movie, wow, it was amazing! They did an amazing job with telling emotions and memories for this young lady. Gosh, I could write pages on this movie. I wouldn't be surprised if we see a sequel in the future too. Gosh, there are so many ways they could take the next chapter of this story.

It was amazing.

One of my friends said, before we even left the theatre, "I want to see it again."

I can see why, as there was so much going on, I'm sure we missed a lot while watching it.

So run, don't walk, to the nearest theatre and check out this movie!!!

You'll be glad you did.

Trust me on this one.
