Sunday, May 29, 2016

Precious Stones and Prayer Room Time

Ahhhh, I loved today from start to finish. I even enjoyed completing the last of my paperwork for the school year. I'm done, the 2015-2016 school year is officially done for me. *grin* I enjoyed the rest of the day THOROUGHLY. *giggle.

I began my day at church. I have said it a gazillion times, I'm sure, but I LOVE my church. I went to first service because I was serving during second service in precious stones. I loved service. Awesome worship and pastor James gave a good sermon on serving the children of today. Loved it.

Today was my first day leading in the littles in Precious Stones. As kids were arriving, I was praying in my head. There were A LOT of kids, more kids than we had adults. I had met most of them before, so I was blessed by that. One girl and I clearly have connected, and she's a sweetheart. Dramatic, but a sweetheart more than a drama gal. I will admit, I was a little overwhelmed initially, but that faded and I went right in. I loved it. I'm connecting with new kids every time I'm back there, so I walked out smiling. I love that ministry. *grin*

After coming home and eating lunch, I went to the Prayer Room for the first time since November. Gosh it was AMAZING to be there again. I know I'm in the right church for now, and I'm also blessed that I can soak in the prayer room too. Jaye Thomas and Team lead the set I was in, and I loved every moment of it.

Have I mentioned lately that I love living here? *grin*

Well, I'm tired so I think I'll crash. Springer Resort opens tomorrow with some special people coming for a visit. *grin* I LOVE having it be Sunday, knowing I don't have to go to work tomorrow. *giggle*


Friday, May 27, 2016

Birthdays, Precious Stones, Slideshows, Books, and Sleep

I have been meaning to sit down all week to blog, but I've been a tired young lady. I have spent the week resting, reading, and cleaning. I'll explain the last one here in a bit. Suffice to say, I'm ready to type out all the thoughts rumbling around in my head. *grin*

I started the week with my Birthday. The older I get, the less Birthdays mean to me. I'm honored to be alive during this time in our history, don't get me wrong, I just don't need a lot of celebration about it. At the same time, this Birthday God had a special experience for me.

I was in Precious Stones, the Special Needs ministry, on Sunday. In the beginning, we didn't have any kids and I didn't think we would stay. At about 11:20, we were told we had kids coming. The current leader of the class came back in (she had left to rock babies) and two little ones entered. Their Mom came in and gave me instructions, and I was able to get the gist of it. One of them, a boy, had my heart before I even talked to him.

He had a face that looks different than ours, and I immediately had a heart for him. Due to confidentiality rules, I can't get into specifics, but suffice to say, he captured my heart. During prayer time, he took my hand, and it blessed my socks off. God is still teaching me tons through that little kid. I love how He does that. Totally.

I spent my Birthday working on our End of Year Slideshow. I've blogged about it before, and I will honestly say that I LOVE doing our school slideshow. I put 300 pictures to music, and the kids LOVE it. While there were some technical glitches the night before, it wound up just fine. *grin*

Monday was our last day of school, and I can honestly say I was in need of a break. We didn't have any days off in April, and it was a long quarter for all of us. I still love the job, but I have also been enjoying down time too.

I have been catching up on sleep. In fact, in the first 24 hours off, I slept something like 15 hours. I didn't realize how tired I was until I woke up. I am truly enjoying the "no alarm" thing of break. *grin* It will also help going into Term 1 next week, as sleep isn't a priority at camp. *grin* Gosh, I can't believe it, THE CAMPERS ARE COMING!!! *grin*

Finally, I've been enjoying reading. The thing I do the least during the school year, due to homework, is read. I have about ten books on the "to be read" pile. I finished the book I was reading during the school year, and am on a new one. It's been GREAT.

I adore the kids God has given me for this time in their lives, but I'm also glad we have Summer Breaks. 82 days until school starts. Yes, I plan to enjoy EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. *grin* I'm sure the kids will too. *grin*

The Resort is opening early this year, with some dear friends arriving on Monday! I'm so excited! Words cannot express how happy I am that they will be here for several days. Truly!

82 days.

They will fly by.

Tons to do, I love this!


Saturday, May 07, 2016


I sit here tonight with a gazillion thoughts in my head. I am REALLY looking forward to Summer and more free time to write and READ. I know, you're shocked to hear I'm looking forward to reading. Seriously, I'm looking forward to so much this Summer. I could write on and on about that. However, tomorrow is Mom's Day and I have that at the forefront of my mind so I want to write about that tonight. *grin*

I am blessed, enormously blessed, to be the daughter of the two amazing folks that God gave me for parents. No, they're not perfect, but gosh they have that unconditional love thing perfected. *grin* Since I live in the world of education, there's not a day that goes by that I don't think, "Thank you, Mama and Papa Springer." I know, without a doubt, that it's because of their guidance that I am where I am today. Completely. *grin*

I am also blessed to have had several spiritual parents along the way. While I'm from a family of believers, God has blessed me with ladies who have encouraged me in my spiritual growth over the years. One gal, Karen, has been a gal to encourage me, and call me to the carpet when needed. She has her own biological kids, but she loves us (her Spiritual Daughters, (because God has given her several) so well! I am blessed.

Of course, I have been given Spiritual Daughters too. I could go into the scriptural side of that, but basically that's the way it should be. I should have people pouring into me as I pour into others. I received word yesterday that I will be able to serve Term 1. This blesses my heart, as I get to see my girls from TERM 1! I'm so very excited to see my girls that I have poured into over the years. *grin* Term 1 and 7 I will get to pour into them and see God move in them and through them. I love that!

Finally, I want to encourage all parents. I know some parents who worry so much that they don't enjoy their kids. I realize worrying is part of the gig, but you need to know that you're good parents. God has given you what you need. Stop. Breathe. Listen.


I love you, Mom.

I love you, Karen.

I am blessed beyond words.

Sunday, May 01, 2016

Every Once in a While....

...there's a God experience for the calendar.

This morning was one of those mornings. *grin*

Words cannot describe how much I'm enjoying my new church.

For as long as I delayed the change, it's now clear it was all in His timing. *grin*

I started out in Sunday School, (My class for adults, not teaching with kids. Yes, we have class for adults, how cool is that?) where we had a lesson on Proverbs 6. Matt did a REALLY cool lesson using the ant in the proverb. I seriously smiled on the way to church after Sunday School because I liked it so much.

We've been in a series called "BARS", and it's been REALLY good.

I'll admit, the longer I'm at the church, the more I thank God for the wisdom He's put in Pastor Phil. He clearly spends time with the Lord prior to Sunday and what we are taught is straight from Him.

I smiled.

Over and over again I smiled because the language he was using, I have been using to support someone.

That's God. Only He knows that stuff! *grin*

One of the many phrases was: "Sometimes you need to change your playground." I just grinned. Totally. I've been using that verbage with a friend. *grin*

Then the worship team came back up after the sermon. We sang my current FAVORITE song "No Longer Slaves". It was the end of the series and people came up and shared what He did in them during this series. I loved every single moment of it.

Of course, we ended with my favorite part of the song, "You split the sea..."

I just grinned.

I love my church. Today is a day I won't forget.

