Saturday, September 30, 2017

Sometimes I Wonder Why...

The older I get the more I ponder life. I'm sure that has something to do with the fact that I've been on the planet, possibly, longer than I have left. Don't worry, I'm not WANTING to die, just kind of feeling philosophical tonight. You can close your browser window, that's fine. *grin* Honestly, I blog more for me than for you.

One week ago, I found out someone I know went to Heaven unexpectedly. I feel like Heaven's gained some good people this year. In some ways it's broken my heart, and in other ways, I can only imagine the party in Heaven. I know so many young people in Heaven, and want to believe that the welcoming committee is AMAZING! *grin*

The older I get the more I ponder life. I believe that's normal for my age.

Sometimes I wonder why some live to 99 and others die young.

Sometimes I wonder why I have CP, but some can't see past that to see me.

Sometimes I wonder why some people are never happy.

Sometimes I wonder why some people can have kids and others aren't able to get pregnant.

Sometimes I wonder why some people are harder to love than others.

Sometimes I wonder why kids are abused.

Sometimes I wonder why I'm still single.

Sometimes I wonder why some people don't enjoy reading.

Sometimes I wonder why chocolate isn't a food group.

Sometimes I wonder why God makes each of us unique.

Sometimes I wonder why love can be hard.

Sometimes I wonder why hard work scares some people.

Sometimes I wonder why Jay goes under my couch instead of sitting by me.

Sometimes I wonder why singing isn't a talent given to everyone.

Sometimes I wonder why encouragement is hard for some people.

Sometimes I wonder why failure scares people when life can always get better.

Sometimes I wonder why life is hard for some and easy for others.

Sometimes I wonder why it matters if people are patriotic during the national anthem.

Sometimes I wonder why laughter is so foreign to some people.

Sometimes I wonder why parents are so hard on themselves.

Sometimes I wonder why food has to be an issue for some people.

Sometimes I wonder why some people don't believe in God.

Sometimes I wonder why my grandparents had to go Home when I miss them everyday.

Sometimes I wonder why it's so easy to judge, when it's not our place.

Sometimes I wonder how I'm so blessed to have the family that I do.

Sometimes I wonder why my Aunt had to have a stroke and has never been the same.

Sometimes I wonder why some people don't like dogs.

Sometimes I wonder why it's so easy for women to talk badly about other women.

Sometimes I wonder why it took me so long to find Camp Barnabas.

Sometimes I wonder why friendships sometimes fizzle into nothing.

Sometimes I wonder why divorce is so easy for some people.

Sometimes I wonder why God made me the way He did.

Sometimes I wonder why some people always focus on the negatives in life.

Sometimes I wonder why mental health is such a taboo to talk about.

Sometimes I wonder why people feel life is a competition instead of a journey.

Sometimes I wonder why some people can be outright mean to others.

Sometimes I wonder why they had to only make Finding Nemo and Finding Dory, seems like there should be more. *grin*

Sometimes I wonder why I can only see current Ellen seasons. I was late to the show....I wanna see more. *grin*

I could obviously go on and on and on and on.

Here's what I do know....

Our loss this week was Heaven's gain.

God is still in control when my life feels out of control.

I'm on an incredible staff, and wouldn't want to be anywhere else.

Ultimately, I know I'm on Earth for a time such as this, and am where He has called me to be for now.

I'm blessed. Tremendously.

For now, I am going to pop some popcorn and watch Ellen. This week was hard, and I need to laugh.

Trusting God isn't easy, but it's the right thing to do.

Life is precious.

I plan to make every single day count.


Friday, September 22, 2017

QuikTrip Ponderings

The Quiktrip closest to me closed in order to build a bigger, better, QuikTrip. I wasn't paying attention to the social media postings that said it was closing. I noticed about two weeks ago that it was closed. For the past couple weeks I've watched them demolish the building and parking lot when I've been headed to or from work.

I mean it's gone. If you hadn't been here before, you wouldn't believe there was one there three weeks ago. It was a BUSY Quiktrip too.

Then I checked Social Media. It's closed for four months to build a new one.

I have to admit that I smiled. I've become a Quiktrip fan since I moved here. *grin*

So, everyday as I drive to work, I pass the QT location. They have even broken the concrete of the parking lot and where the gas pumps were at. They were also smart and put a fence around it. No telling what trouble could happen if someone played in there. *eek*

So, with every passing day you can hardly tell that there was a QT there. Sure, they kept the gas price sign up, and I doubt they'll change it. Then again, maybe they will add something to it, so it can be digital. *grin*

You wouldn't think that a QT being demolished would lead me to some deep ponderings, but it seriously has led to some thoughts. Some I'll put here and some I'll add to my private writings. Here goes, and as always, this is more for me than you.

I pray all the time. No, not out loud but I am constantly asking Him questions in my head. I mean, teaching isn't easy, so I ask for guidance as I teach each young person. I have several that are in a place academically where I'm building the foundation of their education. I'm literally attempting to teach ABCs and numbers. My students are like those boulders that are chipped and challenged. I pray that I can build them up and teach them as well as that construction team is working to make that building out of nothing. Seriously.

I've also thought about my school year this year. Last year was tough, and I had many days I dreaded work. You'd have to have seen it to get it. Suffice to say, I felt like last year I was becoming a student behavior expert and came home tired everyday. Fortunately, I didn't quit and become a Wal-Mart greeter, as I pondered on some of the hardest days. *giggle* This year, I'm seeing the results of my hard work from last year. Sure, there are still bumps, but I feel like the foundation laid last year prepared me and the kids for this year. Totally. Today one of the kids knew 20 of his letters, and last year we had six. Special Education takes TIME. We're building those littles like they're building that QT. *grin*

My paraprofessional, and friend, from the past 3 years moved on unexpectedly to a different building. Initially I felt like that building being demolished, and I was in a small funk. You know me, I never stay there, but gosh we were close friends. As always, He knows what I need before I do. He brought someone that is becoming precious to me too, and we laugh together daily. We're building the Learning Center in a special way, and I am thankful for the change. He knows me well enough to know that I hate change, and fight it more often than I'd like to admit. I'm gaining a new friend, which has blessed me tons. Don't worry, my former assistant and I text almost daily. I didn't lose her, we both just gained what we need for this season in our lives. Totally. *grin*

I've spent HOURS in the dentist's office the past few weeks. It has been HARD. Every trip has included shots and various procedures. On top of what I have had physically, the financial commitment has been unexpected, but worth every penny. I mean, you only get one set of teeth. *grin* I've thought a lot about my students as I'm basically pinned in that chair with (at times) some painful stuff going on. I had tears well up at one point this past week in the dentist chair and my legs at one point shook beyond my control. It was tough, like those concrete blocks in that construction site. At the same time, I persevered and made it. It made me think a lot about my students who are asked to sit and work when it's hard. It also reminded me why some people struggle to pray. In that moment when I was shaking, it wasn't until I prayed that it stopped. I imagine that what I did is a typical human thing, I was trying to just make it stop. Prayer in my head, and then it stopped. *giggle*

Perhaps the biggest lesson I've been praying through has been what I've heard this week. I now remember why Jay and God are my top two peeps. *giggle* Humans can be, well, human. I heard some people this week talking about other people, and I just wanted to be away from the negative discussions. In the dentist's chair I heard my dentist talking poorly about someone else as she worked on my tooth. Granted, it wasn't someone I knew, but it still broke my heart. I didn't want to hear it, and didn't hear tons over the drills and such, but I didn't enjoy that. I left that office and prayed a lot that night not to want to be that negative woman. I want to build others up as they walk through life this side of Heaven. Truly. I'm finding that to be more and more rare as I get older. I pray I build people to be who they're made to be, just as that new QT is gonna be really cool when it's done. *giggle*

I'm now bed-bug free. Yes, I had the joy of the bed bug experience this past summer. I'll spare you the details, but I did wind up having to have exterminators come and take care of it. (Random fact, they had to get my room to 140 degrees to treat it. Who knew? *giggle*) They had to strip everything down to build it back up just as they are doing with that QT. Let me tell ya, it was worth every penny. I like living back in my room now (I was staying in my guest bedroom) and the freedom that has come with the extermination. It's weird how we get used to things in life that are weird, like living in a guest bed and doing laundry in a way that kept bed bugs from the other bedrooms. It was broken down to be built back up. Kinda cool. Definitely cool to be in my new bed free of bugs. Totally. *grin*

Finally, so many things have happened already this school year, and I'm excited to see where we're headed. Our leadership is amazing, and the year is going well. I'm excited, just as I'm excited for the new QT to open. *grin*

It's the first day of Fall. I'm excited for that too!


Monday, September 04, 2017

Labor Day Weekend 2017

Almost ten years ago I met a child named Ronni. She was seven and in my cabin out at Camp Barnabas. I had been told she was hard to handle, and to be prepared for a tough week. Fortunately, that week included more than tough moments. It had laughter, songs, joy, and love throughout the experiences that week. If you're new to me, Ronni is new to you but for loyal readers, everyone knows Ronni. *grin* Ronni is a jewel with Down Syndrome. However, her disability isn't what defines her, her catchy personality is one-of-a-kind that captures all that meet her.

So, I had planned to have her Friday night through Sunday afternoon. I knew that sleep wouldn't be a priority, but I knew TONS of laughter would happen. I was right. *grin* I met her family in Clinton, Missouri. This worked out great for me because she lives 3 hours away and the drive to Clinton was only one hour. *grin* I was excited for the weekend and knew we'd have fun. *grin*

We jammed to music coming back, and Ronni loves to sing and dance in her seat. We had fun singing to our heart's content and not worrying about how we sound. I'll admit, that was really fun. We stopped and got Dairy Queen for dinner when we got back to LS and then headed to Wal-Mart to get toilet paper. *giggle* We also got snack foods for her too. It worked out well.

We came back here and watched Lion King before crashing for the night. We sang along to the songs, and it was so cute how I would check my phone and she'd say, "Shanna, look!" I told her I had seen it, but she felt I should watch more closely. *giggle*

We woke up Saturday and watched previews for the appropriate movies she could see, and we wound up deciding on Leap. I loved letting her pick, even though I secretly was hoping Leap would win. We proceeded to turn the tv on, and she had full control of what we watched. It was fine, as I needed to pay bills, and she enjoyed watching the tv. When it was time to get ready, she turned off the tv on her own. We each got ready and then went to the show.

The movie was great, and I highly recommend it for people that need to be inspired. It was amazingly good, and I loved every moment of it.

After that, we did the Target dollar spot and took pics of her in various hats. We didn't buy any, but, we had fun. She did find a little notebook that she wanted, so I got it for her for $3. Later, I asked her how she liked her "journal" and she corrected me and told me it was a notebook, not a journal. *giggle* She's a hoot!

We went to the dollar tree after that because she had a gift card. We took more pics in Halloween costumes. I loved every moment of it. We also laughed a ton. She also made some friends, which is pretty normal for her. *giggle* We decided to head home, have pizza, and watch another movie.

She drew in her notebook as we watched various shows. I paid bills, but we joked often through the shows. My favorite moments were when she would say something, and I'd pause and say, "You're weird." We would both laugh when I said it. I know, it loses a lot in a story, but it was kind of our thing all weekend. She decided to stay up later than me, and I let her. I mean, it wasn't like we had to be anywhere Sunday morning. *grin* She did a great job turning lights out and going up to sleep on her own. Gosh, she's grown up.

She now thanks me all the time whenever we did something. She would also say "please" if she wanted something too. She's grown up so much that I told her Mom I wanted to have her again sometime. Her Mom said we could definitely work that out. *grin*

There was one quote that she said that I've been pondering since she left. We were sharing Jay throughout our evening, and, I often said, "Jay, you're my favorite dog..." Out of nowhere, later in the evening, she said, "Shannah, I feel jealous." I was taken aback and said, "Okay...what are jealous about?" She went on to tell me she was jealous of Jay because I like Jay more than her. I'll be honest, I fought laughter only because she is my favorite camper ever. *giggle* I paused and said, "Well, Jay is my favorite dog, but you're my favorite camper." That made her smile! *grin*

We slept in Sunday morning, and went to breakfast before heading to Clinton. She was tired, and I expected that. I was tired too, so I felt like our visit was ending at a perfect time. We met her parents at the camp ground they were staying at and visited with them for a little while before heading back to L.S. I will say that I truly enjoyed my weekend with her and can't wait for more weekends with her. Her Mom said that she was going to try to register her for Barn-A-Break. I plan on registering too. *grin*

I came back and relaxed last night. I fell asleep early and slept in late. I'll admit, that's why I scheduled the weekend the way I did because I knew I'd need to catch up on sleep. *grin* So, I'll admit, I miss Ronni already but also know that part of the charm of our friendship is that we only hang out from time to time and we can't get tired of each other. *giggle* It works.

So, it's getting dark earlier, colder weather is on the way, and I'm ready for hoodie season. *grin*

Truthfully, I'm even ready to go back to school. This year is SO MUCH BETTER, so I don't dread it like I did last year. I have some amazing little people and look forward to work now. *grin*

I'm blessed by Ronni. She is sixteen, and a lot of fun to be around. I thank God for her often. Weekends like this are worth remembering. Totally. *grin*

By the way, it's worth noting that I'm praying for Texas because of Hurricane Harvey. I could do a whole post, but won't. I'll just say, I'm praying for you, Texas. *grin*