Saturday, November 18, 2017

Wonder, With Friends *grin*

Today I woke up excited to finally get to see the movie on screen that would compare to the movie in my mind as I read the book Wonder by R.J. Polaccio. I pretty much went into it with low expectations because the book is ALWAYS better than the movie. I figured that if my expectations would be low, then I wouldn't be disappointed. The good news is that I wasn't disappointed and while I enjoyed the movie, the people I saw it with made it even better. *grin*

I had invited some people to see it with me, and we all went together. Some of us had read the book and some hadn't. However, it didn't matter. All of us loved the movie (which was better than I expected, but yes, the book was better for me) and afterward we took a picture by the Wonder poster. I expected the movie to be my highlight, but it turned out that the people made it even better.

One of the kids that joined us sat by me on purpose. I smiled inside. So then I was between the young person and her Mom, but I loved it because we joked and laughed from time to time. It was fun. *grin*

I guess I had looked forward to the movie so much that I hadn't expected the PEOPLE I was with would be my highlight. All of us loved the movie and I walked away so very blessed by each of them. *grin*

A few of us went to the dollar spot at Target (it's next door to the theatre) and had fun goofing around there. Eventually my friends left and I was on my own. *grin* I found a lot of fun stuff for Christmas gifts. I'm trying to spread out the Christmas Crunch this year over 3 months. *grin*

So, yes, I suggest you run out and see Wonder. *grin* It is full of inspiration and hope, which is something we need in today's world. *grin* I thought it stuck to the book really well, and that the actors and actresses did a fantabulous (word I made up) job! Yes, I want to see it again already. It was that good.

For now, sleep sounds great.

I am blessed by each of the friends that went with me today. It made for a day that I will never forget. *grin*


Friday, November 17, 2017

Wonder--The Movie

In 2012 I picked up a book and didn't have any idea how much it would come to bless me and teach me about life this side of Heaven. I know, you would think it would be the Bible, right? Well, yeah, the Bible is one of my faves too, but Wonder was the first book I truly could connect with on so many different levels.

If you haven't read the book, I highly recommend you stop reading this blog and pick up the book. Yes, it means that much to me.

If you have read it, you know it's about Auggie, a boy with a Craniofacial syndrome. Meaning, his face looks different from what is considered "normal" today. I could relate to the kid in so many ways.

I was bullied because of the way I walk. Yes, kids thought that my limp meant I was stupid. Kids can be cruel. I teared up more than once as I read the book.

I could relate to being stared at and hearing various people say, "What's wrong with her leg?" to the people they were around. It sometimes hurts my feelings, if I'm going to be transparent here. At the same time, if it's a kid, I get it. Kids aren't being mean to me, they're curious. You'd be amazed at how many people say, "I'll explain later."

In the few years since the book was released, I have had a theory that I've thought about a lot. I think everyone has a "limp" or a facial difference, or something. The only difference between all of us is that not everyone can see each person's "limp". Some people are addicted to drugs, alcohol, are abusive, and/or fight depression. I could list more, but those are the biggies to me. *grin*

In the midst of that, KINDNESS is what we need. In the book, Kindness is the lesson throughout the story.

I sit here and think often about how everyone is fighting a battle that we don't even know about. Or maybe we do know it. Either way, we need to be KIND to one another. Life is hard enough as it is, we need to support and love each other like today is our last day.

Tomorrow I get to see the movie on the big screen. I'm excited like I'm a little kid at Christmas.

Out of all the books I've read in my lifetime (and that's a lot of books) this one has touched me beyond words that I can explain to you. I can't wait to see the book on the big screen.

I know, the book will be better. The book is ALWAYS better to me.

However, I'm pumped to experience it again for a "first" time. *grin*

I'll let you know how I like it, but, I won't ruin it for you. *grin*