Thursday, April 26, 2018

Kind Words Matter *grin*

Today my highlight of my day was before my teaching day even started. Someone on staff with me dropped by my room to ask a question, and went on to say some kind things that God clearly wanted me to hear today. She teared up, and I sorta did, but I'm not one to cry easily. If I do cry, I'm either really sad or really pissed/frustrated. *grin* Just telling it like it is! *grin*

So this morning, when the person dropped by and said what she did it lifted my spirits in a way that can't even be put into words. This is NOT meant to be a brag post, I know full well that God is guiding me through this Spring. If you had asked me a year ago that I'd be walking in faith like this, I would have said, "what?" At the same time, I know this is the right time for a change. I don't know what's next, but it blessed me that someone noticed how hard I'm working to end this school year strong.

It made me ponder what would happen if everyone took a moment to say something kind.

I mean, it wasn't a long, lengthy chat, but the words will stick with me for my lifetime.

"How you're handling this speaks to your character."


I don't know what's next for me in terms of a job, but, my goal is to tell at least one person a day that they matter.

I mean, kind words matter.


Thank you, God for the nudge today.
I'm blessed. *grin*

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Thoughts From the Short Gal

I woke up today thinking that I hadn't blogged in a while. It kinda made me smile because I have plenty in my head to share. As always, this is more for me than you, but if you want to read on, go ahead. I always smile when someone says they read what I take time to write. Truly.

Last Sunday I went on a short road trip with my friend for the Outcry Tour that evening. Words cannot even describe how excited I was to worship with the teams on the tour. We heard Bethel Worship (worth the drive just for them in my opinion!) and Vertical Worship. I'm now a HUGE fan of Vertical Worship and have uploaded several digital disks! I love new music! I would go again just for Vertical Worship leading. All of them could steward the room so well! I loved every minute of it and smiled to be reminded again that I'm not alone in what I think and feel in my Spiritual walk with Him. I often looked out upon the crowd and smiled. From start to finish I loved it!

The other bonus was getting to spend time with one of my favorite people, Karen. Everyone needs someone who can encourage them in their faith, and Karen did just that for me. In a season of change, her words of encouragement touched me deeply. I'll admit, time with Karen is ALWAYS time well spent and our lunch on Monday was priceless! I walked away smiling and blessed by our two hour lunch. *grin* I pray that I can encourage people the way she encourages me. We all need that.

We're down to 25 days of school. I'm happy for that. I could write and write about the ups and downs of my school week, but, I will say that I see the light at the end of this tunnel. Truly. Change isn't easy for me typically, but I am at peace in a way words cannot even describe. Truly. Sometimes looking forward is better than looking backward, and that's what I'm doing. I can't wait to see what He has next for me. *grin*

I had a job interview this week. I'm not going to spend much time on this part of my week just yet because I'm not even sure what God has for me in this, but it was refreshing to see parts of what I've been praying for in the job. I'll definitely keep you posted on this piece of my life. *grin*

I'm going to take a little time to rest today. I've been going, and am in need of some Jay time on the couch! So, until next time, please say a prayer for me if you think of it. I'm walking toward something great, I just don't know for sure what it is yet. *grin*

Thanks for reading! You bless me!

Saturday, April 07, 2018

Dear Rudy

Dear Rudy,

I hope you're having a lot of fun in Heaven! I can only imagine what it's like to not have all sorts of physical challenges like you did here. I hope you've found some friends. I know some pretty cool people there, Emma, Matthew, Spencer (but he goes by Nico), and all my Grandparents. I think Grandpa would like to meet you. You'd be good for each other.

I've thought of you TONS, and smile when I think of you! I remember the day Mom asked me if we should get Dad a dog because he had just gotten a Cancer diagnosis and I said, "don't get a puppy." Looking back, I didn't need to say that, Mom said, "Oh gosh no, we wouldn't get a puppy." *giggle*

Next thing I knew, you were part of our family!

I've thought a lot about how many dogs we went through as I was growing up. I don't recall seeing a dog all the way to the end of his life. We always had to give them away because we moved or something. You were our first "forever" dog as a family. *grin*

Mom was still working and couldn't be at home all the time with Dad. You were a cool little guy who had a rough life at first. I'm so glad you were found in Grove, Oklahoma and somehow wound up becoming an adopted Springer! *grin*

You taught me so much without even knowing it. Unconditional love, support, and encouragement all in a little body with four legs. *grin*

During my rough patches on Beech Road, I'd come home and you would sit with me. You knew. I'd sleep in "my" room at home, and when I woke up you'd be laying in the doorway waiting for me to get up. That blessed me more than you know! I smiled over and over again when you did that. *grin* You had a way of making me feel like a somebody in the midst of a season where I was battling feeling like a nobody. It was amazing have you in our world!

Of course, you helped Dad even more. I was so glad you were there for him over and over again. *grin* I'm sure Dad could write his own version of that season, leading up until this past Tuesday when you left us. *grin*

I have shown my students tons of pics of you this week. Their favorite seems to be the ones where you're in the middle of the Christmas wrap on the floor at Mom and Dad's. You'd come to me several times during our gift exchange, and I loved it. You were clearly my buddy too!

My heart leapt for you the past few times I saw you because you were clearly struggling physically. At the same time, you still showed all the humans in your world love. That makes me smile now. *grin*

I'm holding Jay closer this week, but it's not to replace you. It's not possible to replace you. It's because I know one day I will have to let Jay go to Heaven too. I don't like that idea, but that's the way it is because God thought you all should live 15ish years. Ah well, each dog we have is a gift. Roxie, Indy, Sid, and Jay are all different yet all of you know how to love better than humans do. Can you tell I've spent a lot of time thinking about you? *grin*

Thanks for loving us so well.

I hope I can pass that kind of love to those around me daily.

You're missed already.

Have fun there though. I mean, you can run, hop, hear, and see now!

Can't wait to see you again!

With Love,