Saturday, December 20, 2008

Wisdom and Revelation

So tonight I drove back into KC for another set led by Misty. I will admit, I debated about going because it is SO COLD here and my leg tenses up when it's bone chilling cold like this. In the end, I knew I needed to go. So, I put the book I'm absorbed in right now aside and went.

I find it amazing how different things are at IHOP as opposed to other worship settings I've been in. Not that the others are bad, they're just different. And honestly if everywhere was like IHOP, I don't think it'd be quite so special to me.

Last night was a night of deep, slow, intimate worship. I loved that.

Tonight was a night of intense, fast-paced worship. I loved that too.

And in the midst of it, they prayed out for God to give us more wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him. (It's actually out of Ephesians in case you were wondering.) What struck me tonight was that we never have all the wisdom and revelation that God has for us. At IHOP they typically pray that at least once during my time there. I like that because He always has more and more to show us. It never stops. I like makes walking this journey out this side of heaven more exciting.

Anyway, while tonight isn't quite as thought-provoking as last night, it was still really good.

Well, I need to crash. I have to drive back in for church in the morning!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ive always loved Misty Edwards lyrics in fact i created a site with as many song lyrics of hers i can find. As i am a long way from IHOP its unlikely i will ever make the trip to listen to her in person. Nice blog, i enjoyed reading your posts.