Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good News....well, for now...

I have debated all day about what to write. There were plenty of events today, and I felt pulled in so my directions that I could spend a lot of time explaining just how many hats teachers wear and how many I have worn today. I am glad to finally be on the couch and honestly will crash after this post as this day has felt like several days all rolled into one. It hasn't been bad, mind you, just insanely busy. I am thankful we don't have CITH tomorrow night, I need a night to relax at home.

At any rate, I wanted to share a bit of good news in my little corner of the world. I have been dreadding the day contracts come out for the next school year, as I am job searching in the KC area right now and I really didn't know what I was going to do when contracts came out and I still didn't have a job up north yet. So, needless to say when I walked in yesterday morning and contracts were waiting for us, I got a knot in my stomach. Then I opened the envelope! I have until June 1 to turn in the contract! So, I get to job search for another month! YIPPEE!

Of course, there are many people in my little corner of the world who don't want the search to be successful...hehehe...well, they do for my dream to come true but hate the idea of me leaving. I am loved very well here...and I recognize that. :-)

So, all that being said, go, stay, I'm good. I do want to be closer to my family, but whether it's this year or next that's okay.

I just know I now have one month left (plus a little more actually!) before I have to turn in my contract!


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