Sunday, April 19, 2009

Young Author's Conference at PSU!

Yesterday I attended the Young Author's Conference at PSU. It is a conference for children grades 1-6 that have written books that were selected at their schools by being the top books in their grade. Every year I have been at the school that I teach at, I have heard about the conference but have never attended. The past two years I have been a judge for the books, which has been fun! So this year I was invited to go to the Small Group Leaders Meeting at PSU, and decided I wanted to go the conference. I wasn't signed up to go but our coordinator and small group leader said I could go. On Friday they approached me and asked me to take pictures. I was pumped, I was getting to go AND had a job to do!

At the conference the kids got to hear an author of Children's books speak. They also read their own books to kids in small groups. The highlight for everyone though, was the juggler. I know, you're sitting there thinking, "What does a juggler have to do with writing?" Actually, as he juggled, he talked to the kids about working hard, and letting others help them grow in their writing abilities. He also talked about how it all takes practice. Lots and lots of practice.

The biggest trick he did was balancing this table on his chin without any hands. It was an incredible sight, and the picture doesn't do it justice. I sat there and thought about the impact that little trick had on those young readers and writers. Practice, practice, practice. I can only imagine how much practice it took him to get this trick just right.

It taught me a lot too. (I know, you're shocked!) He could have quit after the first time he tried that trick, but he kept at it and is now using his gifts to encourage young people in their endeavors. That is wonderful.

The whole day was a lot of fun, and next year (regardless of where I am physically, here or in KC), I'd like to be involved in that again. It was special for me.


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