Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Blessings from Above!

Now that I have received the official call, and the contract is in the mail, I will share details.

Yesterday I was offered a teaching job up north by IHOP-KC. Not only was I offered the job, but they are taking ALL my years of experience (which affects the payscale) and insurance will be able to cover my pre-existing conditions! YIPPEE! Both the years of experience and insurance were things I have prayed over since I started job searching. :-) God is so cool!

I will be teaching Special Education in a BRAND NEW Elementary School, and the school hours are 9-4! :-)

I was also blessed when the gentleman who hired me said, "You were one of 54 people who applied for the job. We narrowed it down to 4 applicants, and you were the top pick out of the four applicants."

That brought a big smile to my face.



Lindsey said...


Elizabeth J. said...

I'm new to your blog, which is very cheery by the way. Are those M&M's on the header? Anyway, nice blog and congratulations on the job. Feel to visit my blog.