Thursday, May 07, 2009

Dear Mom, Dad, and Scienceguy!

I was in a meeting today and I have had a few thoughts running around in my head since then that I want to share. While this letter could be sent to MANY others, I am focusing on my immediate family from childhood.

Dear Mom, Dad, and Scienceguy,

Thanks for NOT making me see myself as disabled. You have helped shape me into a person who has ABILITIES and not a disability. The limp was NEVER an excuse...CP was never an excuse. While Cerebral Palsy is one small part of me, that's all it is, a small part. The bigger part of me is an independent, healthy, loving gal that you loved unconditionally. Within that, I believed I could be anything, and anyone I wanted to be. And today I am a teacher who teaches her Special Education Students that they can be anything, and anyone they want to be.

Thanks so much. It took me to adulthood to really see what you taught me. I realize there are not any perfect brothers or parents, but I am blessed because I had you as my family.


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