Monday, July 04, 2011


There's a chorus that has been repeating in my head tonight. Misty Edwards sings it from time to time at IHOP. While I'm sure countless others have also sung it, she's the only one I've ever heard sing it the way she does.

It's part of a spontaneous chorus (I think), but it doesn't really matter. God can use ANYTHING at any time to reach us.

She sings:


Meaning, at least in one sense (knowing her there are LAYERS to this phrase), she wants to be so close to God that she can hear His heartbeat. Off and on over the years, I have sung the chorus, and have meant it in the sense that I wanted to be closer to God, but I didn't really and truly PONDER it. Until tonight...

I have spent the evening preparing for the shift in furniture tomorrow. I will receive a new entertainment center and TV tomorrow. Truthfully, I'm excited. I have worked very hard to save for the TV I am getting. Plus, this entertainment center will be MY first. Not one I inherited from someone, it's MINE.

That has meant removing everything from the current entertainment center and taking various pieces off of it. Literally, this has been a LONG process. For Jay, this has been TOUGH. He's used to being able to cuddle at least part of the evening with me, and that hasn't happened tonight.

So each time I sat down to take a break, Jay was on my lap. While somewhat annoying at times because I was sweating and just wanting a drink for a minute, I understood too. Outside people are shooting off fireworks, which isn't his idea of fun, and he just wanted a little TLC. So, I took a moment each time to reassure him that the noises outside were okay. He was okay with that.

Then the MOMENT I sat down to blog, Jay was in my lap, wanting to cuddle with his head where he could hear my heartbeat. Hum, funny he should want to do that on the night I was pondering and praying about the phrase. Truthfully, that's the way Jay prefers to cuddle. He prefers to be in a position where he can hear my heartbeat all the time. He used to be okay with being at my feet, but that has passed. He's now okay with me typing, as long he can cuddle and hear my heartbeat.

I can take a lesson from the little guy. Sometimes I'm so busy taking care of stuff, I forget to stop and listen. When I stop and listen, He is ALWAYS faithful to show me something new!

I imagine if we're reaching for His feet, His hands, or His heart, He knows us well enough to know that we're reaching, and will be faithful to fulfill those desires.

For tonight though, my prayer is that chorus...

Lord, I wanna hear your heartbeat...


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