Sunday, October 02, 2011

1,000 POST!!!

This is my 1,000 post for my blog. Wowowowowowowowowowow! It seems almost unreal to me that I've written that many short pieces from my life onto this blog. I knew last night that tonight would be number 1,000 and all day I have thought about what to write. On March 21, 2006 I began writing on my blog. I did it because a friend of mine was writing one and I just thought it would be a fun thing to do.

Over the past five years, I can look back on the different seasons of my life and see the highs and lows that have occurred. I can honestly say I've enjoyed this more than I thought I would. I have had spurts where I've written less and more, depending on the season and the topic. Some topics I can't share with the world due to the nature of my job, but ultimately, I try and live my life as openly as possible. I figure if I do that, it keeps me young and hopeful in those areas of my life where I wrestle with God in the depths of my heart.

As for tonight, I wanted to post a few things that are currently on my heart. Perhaps by my 2,000 post some of these things will be answered. *grin*

1. I wonder if the road construction behind my house will be done by my 2,000th post. I'm tired of taking the two detours provided. Just when I think it's about done, they do something else to it. Hum...

2. I wonder if Jay will ever figure out how to really play fetch. He's so smart in other ways, but to bring back a toy I've thrown is too difficult for him. *grin*

3. For the first time in my life I weigh more than I should. I'm not fat, but I'm no longer the thin gal that everyone was worried about. On one hand, I say who cares, life's too short, let's eat and enjoy life. On the other hand, I want to stay healthy and live for YEARS to come. I wonder what that means to me by my 2,000th post.

4. I LOVE my job. While there are rough days, there are also good days. In the past week I witnessed a boy read in a way I've never heard him read, and a separate kid could count change in a way he couldn't one year ago. There is absolutely NO DOUBT in my mind that God created me to teach Special Education Students.

5. I love God. I slip and fall daily, but He's faithful to help me up and tell me each day that I can do it, OVER AND OVER again. Not a day goes by that I don't thank Him for that. I hope I never stop realizing that.

6. The most obvious one is that I wonder if I'll be married by my 2,000th post. I obviously don't think I need a man to make me happy, as I'm happy now. However, this gal does have dreams that God and I discuss daily. *grin*

7. Jay better still be with me on my 2,000th post. He's the COOLEST DOG IN THE WORLD!


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