Thursday, February 04, 2016


Yesterday was a day I won't forget.


I had been looking forward to it since Bethel Worship Nights announced they were coming to Kansas City. Only in the past 15 months have I started listening to Bethel Music. If you know me at all, you know music is a big part of my life. Particularly, worship music. I collect it, listen to it, and soak in it. That may be foreign to you, but I believe that God has reached me through various chapters in my life at just the right time through music. So, needless to say, I had been looking forward to last night since November of 2015.

The forecast one week ago was for a snow storm with massive snow. I prayed, and asked others to pray, because last night meant that much to me. Truthfully, as I sat waiting for the evening session to begin, I realized I hadn't looked forward to something like I did last night, in years. I used to look forward to Onething like that, but that has become my "normal", so it's still good, but I don't countdown to it like I used to though. *grin*

So, I had afternoon tickets and evening tickets. Truthfully, when I purchased tickets, I didn't realize that I had purchased afternoon tickets. I just thought I was buying tickets. However, when I put it all together, I was pumped. I also took both yesterday and today off as a PDO. Therefore, I could go to the afternoon and evening sessions. *grin*

The afternoon session was awesome. You won't be shocked to hear that the worship portion was my favorite. It was spirit-led, and beyond words. To be in a room with people truly hungry for worship, it was intense and fun. We didn't need words on a screen, it was so spirit-led. *grin* The sermon was on fear, which is clearly something He's teaching me a lot about in this chapter of my life, and I took pages and pages of notes. It was AMAZING. TOTALLY. *grin*

The evening portion started out well, as I saw people from my current chapter, and some from previous chapters in my life. It was so much fun to see both. Words can't describe how cool it was to get to visit with friends before the evening session. I was reminded how some people run with you for parts of your life, and then God leads them elsewhere, and then you can see them down the road later. That was sweet to me. Truly.

I enjoyed every moment of the worship night. My favorite moment was toward the very end, when we did Slave To Fear, and we were singing parts of it, without the band leading us. While that did happen throughout the evening, the strongest (for me) was during that song. When we built up to my favorite part "You split the sea so I could walk right through it, You drown my fear in perfect love. You rescued me so I can stand and sing, I am a child of God", I was in a place I haven't been in a LONG time.


God doesn't reach people the exact same way, I know that.

But gosh, that moment, I can still hear it and see it.

It was a moment that will be with me for life.

And, of course, it's beyond anything I can explain to you. If you have had that kind of God moment, you know what I mean. Some moments aren't describable in words. That was my moment with Him last night.


Yes, we know that. For me, that was my moment with Him.


Not all the money in the world can give me that.

Days like that may not be everyday, but gosh, it was a day I will remember the rest of my life.


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