Saturday, April 25, 2009

Life. Is. Good.

I just returned from KC tonight after attending a conference in Lee's Summit and soaking at IHOP-KC. I just took some time to re-read my posts before writing this one. I should have realized my week was so hard because the conference and IHOP were so good! In the past, I have found that any time I have a REALLY rough time before time with God, it's just to get me off-track and not want to go to whatever event is about to come up. I know, for most of you, that makes no sense, but trust me, in my life it's true.

I got to Lee's Summit last night in time for the evening session of the Women's Conference. I had missed the conference all day yesterday because we were out of subs in our district, so I just went up after school. I could give you a run-down of everything that happened, but won't do that. I will simply state that I am a different person today than I was yesterday. Between the worship, teachings, and encouragement given by others on the trip with me and other conference attendees, it was a weekend I will never forget. I feel as if I'm walking closer to God than I have in a LONG time. I feel as if I'm not as alone in this journey. It was amazing. It is amazing how God gives us more than we could ever think or imagine because I never expected what happened this weekend.

I was amazed at how much I LAUGHED too. I was with 4 other gals from my church, and I haven't laughed as much as I did this weekend in a LONG time. It was something I didn't even think about until about 1:00 am this morning when we were still laughing and talking and turned to one of them and said, "I haven't laughed this much in a long time." VERY COOL STUFF!

After doing lunch with the ladies after the conference ended, I went to IHOP-KC on my own. I had a GREAT time. It was one of those days where I couldn't even explain to you what God did in me, but I can say it was REALLY good.

So, I am sorry I was such a downer this week on here.
But I'm glad to report my new favorite phrase...



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