Sunday, April 26, 2009

A typical Sunday...sort of...

Today was a typical Sunday...well, kind of...sort of...

The typical side of the day was going to church. I am REALLY happy in my church, and enjoy going and being a part of what God is doing there. I also love the fact our worship team is growing closer together, both musically and personally. I feel as if I fit in there, which is a blessing in ways I can't even describe. I don't take it for granted because there was a day I didn't fit in in a previous church. I am loved very well at BYKOTA. Once again, I THANK GOD FOR MY CHURCH FAMILY! Honestly, it makes me think, "I could stay one more year." Hum....

On the not-so-typical side of things, worship was INCREDIBLE today. I'll be honest, there are days that I don't get as close to God as I want to in worship at my church, but today was INTENSE. I. LOVED. IT.

After church, I went to lunch with A.K. I find myself doing lunch pretty regularly after church with different people, so going with Amie was cool. We have SO MUCH in common that we're growing closer and closer these days. We're both single, so we have a lot to share with one another that only another single gal could get. We even prayed for each other before we each headed to our own place. I tell ya, I am finding that God is blessing me with friendships in ways I couldn't have ever asked for, which is huge due to what happened last month. HUGE. :-) I am a blessed gal.

Finally, I went to a worship service tonight at church. It was good, but I honestly long to be back at IHOP. Somehow I think I will be there to visit sooner than I expect. ;-)

Once again...


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