Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Ankles, Resignations, and Classrooms

I know, I know, I didn't blog last night, and so you're all wondering, "What is up with Shortone?" Afterall, I did blog that I was headed to my school yesterday. new school. Well, here are my recent updates! :-)

First off, my ankle. Some have asked how it is doing, and I caved in today and went to the doctor and had it looked at. And, just like any trip to the doctor, he said what I already knew. "You have an ankle sprain." He looked at it, wrapped up my ankle, and sent me for crutches. Well, of course I can't balance on I am to stay off of it as much as possible. Okay, well, that is a loose term to me. Afterall, I'm about to move a classroom and my home up north. Ah well, Shortone's Mom can rest easy now that she has seen the doc. He said in 7-10 days I should be better. Which is a good thing.

Today I handed in my Letter of Resignation at my current school. I haven't received my contract yet from my new district, but considering I toured the school yesterday, I am secure in the fact I have a job. It was the first job I've ever had where I turned in a letter like that. Weird stuff.

Okay, you've all been waiting...the does not have windows, BUT I get a full classroom. I know, you're thinking, "How is that a good thing?" Well, right now I'm in a conference room for a classroom. Next year I will have a FULL classroom that will be able to seat 24 children! This is a blessing I never, ever, ever expected! Yea!

The building was nice, as it is obviously brand-new. I loved it!

Well, I need to crash. I still have a job here to finish and leave on a positive note!


1 comment:

Buffdude said...

Glad it's "just a sprain," although I'm told they're often more painful than a break. Maybe it's God's way of telling you to slow down and watch where you're going!
Of course, you could always hold on to my arm, and you KNOW that's safe!