Monday, May 18, 2009

New Adventures...New Thoughts...New Prayers...

So I sit here tonight deep in thought. I have spent the past three evenings listening and watching to a series preached by Louie Giglio online. Yes, I know, all the non-spiritual folks are going to click the "back" button now and tune-in tomorrow. And, you know what? That is a-ok by me. Part of this blog is to help those reaching for God to have a new outlook on their walk with God. I pray daily that I help others draw nearer to God without me even knowing it. That's the point of life this side of Heaven, I believe.

So tonight I have pondered my life. I am headed tomorrow to see my new school that is still under construction, and meet the staff I will be working with to serve this next generation of God's Children. After that, I'm headed to look at one of many available rental properties in the area. Part of me feels like all this is going too fast, and part of it isn't going fast enough.

You're can that possibly be?

On one hand, I want a puppy so badly that I can hardly sit still. After a season with the hardest housemates I can imagine, a puppy would be a JOY to come home to and take care of. I have been praying for several years for the pup God has for me. Yes, my friends, I have prayed over a dog. I know, go ahead and laugh...then when I blog on here about what all I've prayed for and God has given me in the pup, you'll think twice! :-)

On the other hand, leaving my friends here isn't going to be easy. All day today I've heard people saying how they don't want me to leave. And while I am glad I am genuinely liked so well, I am ready to be gone and not think "I won't be doing this next year." It's a mixed bag...

I have listened to some VERY good, encouraging messages online, and the phrase I keep hearing is "Life Story." You've heard me say on here about this new "Chapter" in my life...and this move is part of another chapter in my life. When I moved in here, my Spiritual Mom said this place was a new "Chapter". Well, this Chapter has been a step for the next one. Leaving here isn't the's the beginning. The beginning of the next Chapter of what God has for me, this side of Heaven.

I've been blessed too, because spiritually I have been starved for some new thoughts and insights to God, and I have received that these past few days online. God is so faithful to give us what we need, and when we need it...even when we're not sure of what it is we're needing.

So, to those of you that I'm leaving, please don't be sad. Afterall, with Facebook, you're never really rid of me! You can't get rid of me that easily...

And for those of you I'm moving toward, I'm excited about what God has for us.

Blessings to all!


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