Monday, May 11, 2009

First Sunburn of the Year!

Today our district hosted an Ice Cream Social for our students and staff because we were a Top Ten School. In my ten years of teaching in this district, my school has never made the Top Ten List. So, our Ice Cream Social was a first for us. We had the students get their ice cream, eat it, and then they basically got an extra recess.

I sat and watched a few of our Special Needs kids play ball together, which was a hoot! There were two boys and one girl, who all barely talk, and yet they could play ball better than our regular education kids. Go figure...

After the three kids went inside I looked around, wondering what I should do next. I could go over and talk to the teachers, as they were all yacking together, and I looked over and saw one of my kids trying to get a four-square game going. I sat and thought, "Gosh, I can't remember the last game I played." I went over and proceeded to play for the next hour or so. (Gotta love extra recesses, especially when it's supposed to rain the rest of this week!) It wasn't the best game I had ever played. Afterall, I was playing with a bunch of kids who didn't play right, and although one boy and I kept things going, it was not the BEST game I've ever played.

I will say this though, it was fun to be playing again. I don't know why I stepped back from that because I used to play all the time, but I will say, it was fun to be a kid least on a small level.

So I now look a tad bit like Rudolph, with a small sunburn on my nose. Not huge, just big enough to notice. :-) Which is cool.


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