Sunday, May 10, 2009

Back at Home...

So here I sit, back at home, and wonder where the weekend went. It seems as if I just got to my parents, and here I am sitting here getting ready to crash. I'm glad though, as weekends can seem forever for this short little single gal. So this weekend was nice.

I spent some time in the Prayer Room this afternoon after spending time with the fam, and had a GREAT time. As I left, I thought, "Hopefully it won't be long before I can be here more often."

Also, when I left the parent's house today I thought, "It won't be long before I have a dog of my own."

Gosh, exciting stuff!

Of course, little minor detail of getting a job...and a place that will allow pets.

God's got that under control though.

I just know it!!!


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