Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hope is Rising

I find it amazing how music can touch the soul...or how it can touch mine. I listen to a Christian Radio Station here, and honestly I only listen to Christian stuff. It's not that I'm anti-secular stuff, I know there is some good secular stuff out there. I have just found that in my race WITH God, I draw closer to Him in music.

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that I just exited from an unhealthy situation a couple months back. It's something I'm honestly still processing with God, as the last 2 years of that situation were less than good, to say the least. So, when I moved into my apartment, God started giving me songs to meditate on and pray over my life, and I find myself returning to an old version of myself. Not the same, obviously, I believe that God teaches us stuff even when we're walking through things. I know I learned A LOT that I wouldn't have learned otherwise without walking through those 2 years. So, in coming up out of the bad, and returning to a healthy level of love, laughter, and love, the song, "Hope is Rising" by Down Here has gripped me. It is where I feel I am at right now.

I don't typically type out lyrics on here, I think I've only done that twice. However, it represents a picture of my heart, from where I was to how I feel today. I hope it blesses you. By the way, it doesn't mention God once, but it does talk about the grave. :-) I really believe it was from God for His children. I know this Shortone has been blessed by it...

Hope is Rising by Down Here

I've lost all my Earthly optimism
That it's all gonna be alright
That the good will win this fight
Somewhere between youth and disappointments
The dream became despair, the love became a lie

Just now, I've reached the end of my line
Just now, I'm too tired to keep on trying

Hope is rising, it's the sunrise for the end
Hoep is rising, and it's breathing for me again
Hope is rising
Hope is rising...again

Soon beneath the roses I will lie
All the memories of my days, gathered to the sky
Soon every work will find its worth
And all my strength returned, to the water and the Earth

Just when I reach the end of my life
Just when my eyes dim out the last light

Hope is rising, it's a sunrise for the end
Hope is rising, and it's breathing for me again
Hope is rising
Hope is rising...again

From the sorrow, from the fear
From the loss and from the tears
From the darkness from the pain
From the fall and from the grave

Hope is rising, it's a sunrise for the end
Hope is rising, and it's breathing for me again
Hope is rising
Hope is rising...again


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