Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Church Has Left the Building!

Today I got up and went to church for the first of three workdays that our church is doing in our community. The original date was for the first Sunday this month, and it rained so today was our rain date. I tell ya, it was fun!

We started the day at church with breakfast and worship in music. It was a first for me, well, I mean, a first for me to wear slippers on stage while I played Congas. Of course, no one noticed, which was nice. My slippers look a bit like shoes, so no one said a word. And, I should add that it was FUN to play today. I can't even really say why, it was just fun.

After that, I paired up with Worshipleader Dude and his family and we headed out to work in the community. We were told we would be picking up trash in a yard. We were happy to hear that, as that is typically an easy thing to do.

When we pulled up to the house, I realized what a large task we had ahead of us. It was a LARGE yard that clearly hadn't been cared for at all. The grass was quite tall and thick, and there were tree limbs all over. For about 2 hours we cleared away the limbs while a couple others mowed. There were trailers full of limbs taken to the nearby dump, which was open just for us today.

We were glad it was a beautiful day. It wasn't too warm or too cool. :-) Perfect.

We took a break for lunch at a park where our lunch was provided by the church. They had sack lunches for us. Of course, I had packed my own, but it was still fun to go and hang out with everyone.

After lunch we headed out to another piece of land where there was a LARGE pile of limbs to be taken to the dump. We simply loaded the limbs onto the trailers. We would get one full of limbs, and then it would leave, and another one would come. It was quite a task, but also a lot of fun.

We have another workday June 7th. I don't know if I'll be here for it, or if I will be living up North by then. What I do know is that I was glad I was a part of it, and if I am here, I look forward to doing it again.

Now I am wiped and will do some homework and crash early.

The good news is that my ankle isn't purple anymore and the swelling is going down.


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