Saturday, May 09, 2009

Rudy's Ramblings!


What is up, Blogland? Rudy here to give you the latest scoop from the Parental Unit's House!

Shortone came in last night when I should have been in bed. No wonder we didn't get in the boxes yet, as the Parental Unit knew Shortone was coming! We did our usual Welcome Home Routine, and she dropped her stuff and got on the floor and played with us before she even had all of her stuff inside! I can tell she likes us because she is just as hyper as we are when she enters the door!

Today Roxie woke her up by sniffing at her door and barking. I stayed outside her door this morning for quite awhile too, but I didn't wake her. Mom said to her last night, "Be sure to sleep in." Something tells me she enjoys her sleep, so I wasn't going to wake her! She came out, and we played for quite a while. She always spoils us in the morning as the Parental Unit is always busy in the mornings.

After wrestling a while, we cuddled and watched "Flashpoint." She is really fun to cuddle with and we had a great time!

Later on this afternoon we went on a walk with Roxie and Dad. It was a lot of fun and Dad kept talking to Shortone about Lee's Summit, whatever that may be. He told her "I am so excited for you, I could just about jump out of my skin." Shortone smiled at that. Shortone also said something about coming to visit ME more often if she gets to move like she wants to do. I would like that!

Tonight Shortone and I went on our own little roadtrip. She was going to rent a movie for her and Mom, and invited me to ride along! We had the radio on and Shortone was singing. She seems happier now than she's been in a while, which is fun to watch.

We cuddled tonight during the movie and I REALLY liked that. I guess she heads home tomorrow, but I hope she's back again soon! She spoils me, as Mom says, and I LOVE having her here!

So, I guess I will logoff for now. I want to Thank all of you humans for encouraging Shortone during the past couple months. I can tell that your words and prayers are helping her IMMENSELY. She's happier now than she's been in quite a while.

As Shortone keeps saying...


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