Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Where Do I Want to Land?

I left my place at 11-ish this morning and headed to Lee's Summit for a job interview. After an hour in the interview, I was left wondering what I really want...where do I really want to land? I went into the interview wanting to land there, as it's 20 minutes to IHOP-KC, there is a church there that I want to dive into, and I would love to be a part of a staff that opens a brand-new elementary school. All of that sounds great. And, of course, I was not offered the job today, so it's not like I have a big decision to make just yet. However, after the interview, I was left wondering what I really want...

I should state that I interviewed with North KC last week, and after today I REALLY like a lot of what they do. North KC does several things that we do in the district I'm in right now, so it would be an easy transition. On the flip side, Lee's Summit does things the "old school" way, so I already know how to do the job there too.

I'll spare you the details, as it's 10, and I need to get ready to crash and teach tomorrow.

In the end, I have no idea where I want to land now. Hum... In the end, I guess it doesn't matter, as God will put me where He wants me to land. I simply need to be patient to hear God's voice and follow His lead....


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