Monday, May 04, 2009


Tonight I have sat on the couch and pondered some things. Some of them include:

1. Why is it that May means that kids don't give a rip if they have missing homework or not? Today my students didn't seem to care if they had missing work or not...

2. Why do I enjoy the show House? It's a good show, but I enjoy it way too much.

3. I have an interview tomorrow...will I get the job? Does God want me in Lee's Summit? I know what I want...I just wonder what God wants.

4. For the first time in 10 years I won't be teaching Summer School this year, and honestly the more I think about it, the more I like the idea of a break during the month of June. Only problem is, how am I going to pad the savings account AND move this Summer? Hum...

5. I am REALLY enjoying my did I ever live without the "rewind" button on live TV? :-)

6. I really enjoy is that that time flies by so fast? :-)

7. I heard an update on Lostboy last week. I guess he is kicked out of school for an entire school year for threatening a teacher after just returning from a ten day suspension for bringing a knife to school. It breaks my heart to hear that....

8. Hebrews 11:1 states that Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. I am hoping and praying for a lot of things...without seeing much of it anywhere in my line of vision anytime soon...I guess that's where the whole faith thing comes into play... :-)

9. I am stopping at IHOP-KC on the way back from the interview tomorrow. I know, you're SHOCKED! :-)

10. I had a good friend from church call tonight for now reason other than to say "Hi." That blessed me immensely!

11. I can't cook much of anything, but I make a pretty good homemade pizza! :-)

That's about it for tonight. I should get my beauty rest so I can be ready for the interview tomorrow. At least I can sleep past 6am!


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