Thursday, June 29, 2006

Z-boy and Perfect Attendance Boy

So, today was a great day! Not one restraint for Z-boy from me! I consider this a great week! We have had two days this week where I haven't had to restrain him. I consider this a little victory in my little world. I had to get onto him a few times, but I never had to restrain him! Praise the Lord! And, we have one day left. Part of me is actually sad because I have finally gotten somewhere with him, and the other part of me is ready for the break. His family is thinking about moving to Texas, and I hope that's not the case. I would like to be able to follow his progress from a distance, as I have really bonded with him. I think that's the hardest part of this job for me, you make an impact, bond with the kids, and then they're gone! Ah well, a seed has been planted...kinda neat...

I have a funny story for ya! I have another boy, Brandon, who's in my class just for the Summer, who has worn me out. He's not a behavior problem overall, he just can't remember stuff day to day, so what you teach him one day doesn't always carry over to the next day. So, yesterday, we were in reading a book one-on-one, and one of our aides came in to use my computer. As she was looking at my desk, she saw my attendance sheet. What followed had me laughing all day long...I probably shouldn't have laughed so hard, but...

Aide: "Brandon, I see you have perfect attendance this summer!"
(Brandon looks from aide to me to her again)
Brandon: "What?"

Aide: "You have perfect attendance, that's really good!"

Brandon: "Perfect Attendance?"
(Brandon looks at the aide again, then to me, then to the aide again)
This his eyebrow moves and he looks at me again...

Me: "You've been here every day!"

The aide and I looked at each other and laughed.....

Welcome to my world....

Have a great day!
Take care of you!

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