Monday, July 02, 2007

Bum Status

Once again, I find that I am a good at playing the role of the "Bum". This is day #1 of the official break for me, and I had my little kiester on the couch all day! I never left the house. I was semi-productive and got a few things done, but for the most part I played the role of the bum. And I enjoyed every second of it!

My Best Friend was sick all day yesterday and was still under the weather today, so it was fun to joke and laugh and watch movies together. In fact, it was sort of a nice way to start the break. Not that I'm glad she's sick, I'm not. But, it was fun to have a friend to enjoy movies with. Movies are one of my favorite things to do, and so today was very cool.

Tomorrow I will leave the "all day" bum status, but don't have anything major going on. A few errands here and there. But, overall, it will be a relaxing day.

I know, you're already thinking, "But you love your job!"

Sure do.

But everyone needs a break sometime.

I think I'll move back to the couch! :-)


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