Saturday, September 01, 2007

A day of play...sort of...

So, I got up today and really had no idea what was in store for me. I mean, I knew that I was going to spend the day with Austin. Austin is a 7 year old that visits about once a month, and I look forward to his visits because he makes me laugh alot. Today was no exception.

As it turned out, I had him on my own for a lot of the day, and we had fun. We went to the Ship Park first only to find out that the Ship part of the park was now history. That was fine by me, actually, as climbing within the ship gave me the hebegeebees, so the disappearance of the ship did not being tears to my eyes!

After that we did McDonald's. I rarely ever do McDonald's, or fast food anymore, so it was an experience in itself. It was mainly an experience because the fast food was not FAST. It kind of amazed me too, as there was a day when I worked fast food and if we had been that slow, Mr. Duane would've yelled up a storm. Ah well, kids these days, what do you expect? :-)

Then we went to the movie theatre. We got there early enough to play a few video games, which was kinda fun. I "lost" at Air Hockey. :-) It was fun playing.

Then we saw Ratatouille! I tell ya, if you haven't seen the movie, you should. I had seen it before, which is why I was okay with seeing it again with Austin. Austin tends to make frequent restroom visits throughout a movie, so it's always good to see something you've seen before so it doesn't matter what parts you miss! Anyway, it is a really neat movie. I laughed a lot, even though I had seen it before. As for Austin, it was okay, but not Spider Man 3 status! Ah well, it was fun!

Then we ran a couple errands and came home. We wound up watching a made for TV movie that was so predictable that Austin that we had magic powers! Well, hey, to a 7 year old, it was pretty incredible. It was a good laugh for me though!

Then I actually worked. I had to get lessons prepared for the Month of September for Sunday School and bake cookies for my lesson tomorrow. So, I was still productive, even though I did play most of the day too!

So, I'm wiped now and am thankful for Monday. I wonder if I'll reach "bum" status on Monday. Hum. It won't matter much though, today was really cool.

But I get to sleep in Monday!

Gotta love three-day weekends!


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