Saturday, September 08, 2007



So, after a week of drama, it feels good to be at IHOP-KC. My kids were great this week. I had some highs and lows, but overall the kids are settling in. I think they're actually glad that school is back in session, but they would never admit that. :-) I only made one cry this week, so it was a good week. Ha!

Actually, Will pushed Dustin into my desk with a chair, and when I explained that he would have to pull a card, he shut down on me and cried. It was his first true offense in my room. And, in reality, it was my first amount of true "Drama" in my classroom this school year. Will and Dustin don't get along, and are not allowed to talk to each other in my class. So I sat there thinking, "You've got to be kidding me, the kid shoved another kid and thinks pulling a card is my fault?" Yeah, Will was MAD at me. Go figure. The world of a third grader is a bit different than the world of adults. He stayed mad at me the rest of that day. I let him be mad. I spoke to him and told him it was his fault and I wasn't going to go back on his punishment. He left my room stating he never wanted to be in my class again. I just prayed. He was beyond talking, so I sent him on to his next class. The next day, he came in, hugged me, and gave me a Sweetheart Candy. Go figure. He told me he was going to try to do better in my class. And, he did well that day. This is his first year with me, and it typically takes my students a year to learn they can trust me and count on me. Since I know that, I just trusted that God would take care of it, and He did. Go figure...

So I came up to IHOP-KC yesterday, and I am enjoying it immensely. It amazes me how much I love the Prayer Room. It's so peaceful here. It's a very good way to spend a weekend in my book.

Well, have a great day, whatever you may be doing...


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