Sunday, September 09, 2007

A good friend!

So, I'm back in the "real" world today. I already miss the Prayer Room. I will admit though, I am cheating, I sit here in a coffee shop that has free Wi-Fi, and am connected to the Prayer Room. So as I type, I'm listening to the Prayer Room. :-) Not a bad $5 a month if you ask me. It may not the be same as being there, but it's 10 minutes from my home! I like that...

So this past weekend was fun. In fact, it was better than I ever expected. I went with my friend Laura, to IHOP, and we had a great time! I laugh with her more than I think I do with anyone else. She is truly a gift from God. It is so much fun to have a friend that enjoys the Prayer Room as much as I do! I had forgotten what it was like to have someone with me who could sit in the Prayer Room for hours like I can! I often feel a bit isolated in my little corner of the world because I'm one of few that I know around here that enjoy it. That long for it. So, it was a hoot yesterday for me when we had been in the Prayer Room for 4.5 hours and we both LOVED it! Good friends like that are rare, and I feel honored to have her in my life. It was a wonderful reminder for me of what a good friend is!

We stayed for the music portion of service last night and came home. It was also fun for me to have someone to ride with up and back. I haven't had that since OneThing last year. God can do a lot between two people in a car for 2 hours. I was really blessed to have someone to share it with. Awesome stuff!

Well, I should probably get some work done, as I'm down to about 19% battery power, and I can't see an outlet in sight!

Have a great day, whatever you may be doing.


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