Sunday, November 18, 2007

Random Ramblings

Wow, so where did the weekend go? Wow. I should be headed to sleep. But, before I do, I wanted to post some random thoughts. It's been a good weekend, it's just gone by super fast. What did I do all weekend? I worked on stuff for the SmartBoard! Now that I've learned new stuff, I want to implement it NOW with the kids. I'll be anxious to see how it goes tomorrow.

Yesterday morning I went to a Bible Study for church. We meet once a month, and while I was the youngest one there (literally...I was the only one without Grandkids! Well, I don't have kids either, but that's beside the point.) It was really good. I was glad I went.

Today church was really good. I find myself thanking God every Sunday that He put me where I am. Tonight we had our Holiday Dinner, which was fun too. I look around at my church family, and just feel blessed. I'm loved very well there....

Finally, I've been pondering something, and well, it's odd to share, but I am going to anyway. Last month we had Women's Retreat, and I played bongos for the first time in about 2.5 years. I was asked to play, so it wasn't like I asked them if I could play. Actually, I quit 2.5 years ago, and felt that God asked me to lay it down. I was okay with that. And, I didn't really miss it. I was nervous going into the retreat weekend, since I hadn't played in so long. I didn't think I had missed it...Until...Women's Retreat. It's odd to think I'm a female drummer, but I am. Somewhere deep inside of me there's a new longing to play again. I mean, Women's Retreat was such an incredible experience with God. Only thing is, I don't know if that was just for that weekend, or if I'm to pick it up again. Anyway, it's something I'm praying about...we shall see what happens. I have the opportunity to play on Monday Nights at the local House of Prayer. I'll keep ya posted!

Well, I should crash. At least it's a two day week!

Yippee Skippee!

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