Monday, January 21, 2008

Wrestling with Austin

So, my last blog stated that we had Austin and how I was being summoned to watch a movie with him. Seems a bit odd now that I think about it because Austin can't sit still to save his life, but the idea of sitting and relaxing after all those games we had played sounded nice.

So, we started Ratatouille. I love the movie, he had chosen it, it was a good pick. And about 5 minutes into it he was up wanting to do something else. I tell ya, this kid has great difficulty sitting still, much like the majority of my class. So, he came over to me and wanted to tickle me.

I tickled back. And, we wound up wrestling. I had never wrestled with Austin. I don't wrestle in the physical sense. With my left leg being weaker than my right one, I typically shy away from anything like that. But, I didn't with Austin.

I discovered I have some good upper body strength. Well, good being relative, Austin is 8 and weighs next to nothing, so I felt as if I was strong, when in reality I'm not really strong in the physical sense of the word.

So, we wrestled. And, I have to admit, I had fun. But I noticed a couple things in the midst of it all, and afterward as I was pondering it all.

First off, I have a standing rule, that whenever someone says, "stop" or "wait", the other persson immediately stops and gives the other person space. While this is a safety thing, it is also a respect thing. It's only fair when someone needs a moment that they get it.

Secondly, I could easily pin him to the ground. Granted, it was mainly a tickle fight, but at times I would pin him down to tickle him. He was a really good sport too. I think he simply liked the fact someone was paying attention to him and only him. We laughed a lot in the midst of it. It was really fun.

I had bakerywoman as a witness. She just smiled as she watched us wrestle. I was glad she was there. I wouldn't have done that without her there to witness it all. If one of us had gotten hurt without a witness it would have been a bad thing.

And now, I sit here and I think of a couple things. As always, I am deep in thought after something like that...

I thought about wrestling with God. Over the years I have done my fair share of wrestling with God. I know, I know, He always wins, so why wrestle?

I think it's human nature to wrestle. We want things our own way, and to expect God to want to conform to our thoughts and our ways on our timetable. Deep down we're selfish creatures and we want things our way.

But I thought about something in the midst of that. When I wrestle with God, he isn't wrestling back. He's just waiting. I wrestle, get mad, sulk, and draw away from Him thinking I can manipulate something into going my way.

But, I imagine He's just waiting to hear me say, "Stop", and draw back to Him.

He knows I'm selfish but He knows what's best for me in ways I can't even see or realize.

I wonder if I will remember all that the next time I decide to wrestle with Him.



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