Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You gotta be....

flexible if you want to be a teacher!

I tell ya, today and yesterday were two of those days that you have to just go with the flow. I didn't have my normal schedule either day, which is fine, but I kept saying to myself, "Part of my job is to be flexible". Nothing was bad. Just busy.

I covered for Regular Education Teachers while they had meetings, appointments, Etc.

I had a meeting with a parent yesterday that built my character.

Today I had a meeting with one of the most flexible parents I've dealt with.

Yesterday I had drama with a teacher. I hate drama. Love it on TV, hate it in real life. It's over now, so it's nothing, but at the time I was thinking, "What grade are we in?" Seriously...

So, it's 5:15, and I have gobs of paperwork to do, but I need a break. So, I'm gonna go for a swim before returning home to more paperwork.

Have a great day, whatever you may be doing!

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