Sunday, February 03, 2008

Sunday School!

It wouldn't be a typical Sunday without a post from the Shortone, would it? I don't think so!

This morning I got up and taught Sunday School. I am currently teaching 2 Sundays a month, and am loving it back there. The kids are great. I have about 5 boys that build my character, and they were all there today, but it was great.

I had given them a memory verse for the month of January. They were given Psalm 103:8, "The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in love." If they could recite it today, they got a gift from me. The boys got necklaces, and the girls to charm bracelets. It was a hoot. Some of them knew it, and some had to really work at it, but they did it. I was proud of them.

This month they have a bit longer of a verse, so it will be interesting to see how many of them learn it. It's Ephesians 4:32-5:2. I don't have it memorized yet, so I will be doing what I told the kids to do, which is to post it on my mirror and memorize while I brush my teeth. One of our new Sunday School Teachers told them if they learn the verse they can have an ice cream party next month. I can't wait to see how they do!

I am also teaching them "Jesus Loves Me" in sign language, and we'll be doing it in front of the church one month from today. It will be interesting to see how that plays out! They had trouble today, but they were antsy about the Super Bowl, so who knows.

They highlight though, came after service. I was walking around visiting, letting parents know what's going on this month. And, my pastor came up behind me, and gave me a hug and whispered in my ear, "If I could have 50 of you, I'd take it!" and he walked away!

At the moment I was busy talking to another adult, so it really didn't hit me what he had said until I was driving away. And I don't say this to be prideful. I really don't. But it made me think about stuff. I know what he meant. I am a bit part of Children's Church, and the body, and he appreciates all I do. I totally get that, and it blesses me.

But what I thought about was the power of our words. What he said to me made me smile, and I've thought about it all afternoon. Not because I felt insecure, thinking, "Does pastor Mike like me?" NEVER, EVER, did those words ever come to my mind. I've never felt anything but love from pastor and his wife. They're an incredible couple. And, I have felt nothing but warmth and love since I've been at that church.

But just an ounce of an encouraging word did something for me. I wasn't down or anything, but sometimes we all need a bit of encouragement from someone when we least expect it. And, it blesses both the sender of the message, as well as the receiver.

I just hope I do that well with my students. :-)

Well, those are my ponderings for the day. I have homework to do, and plan to watch the commercials for the Super Bowl. I could care less about the game, but the commercials are typically a topic of conversation at work the next day. :-)


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