Friday, February 01, 2008

Snow Day!

I tell ya, while I LOVE my job, snow days are WONDERFUL! I was ecstatic last night when I saw my school district listed on the bottom of the TV for the "closings" category. I tell ya, sometimes you just like an unscheduled free day. It has been wonderful. My favorite part so far was waking up today at 9:15. :-) Apparently I was more exhausted than I thought, as that's more sleep than I usually get even on a Saturday. :-) Life is good.

In other news, Haircut has returned to my classroom. The moment I saw him walking down the hall, I attacked him with a HUGE hug! He smiled in embarassment, but deep down inside I think he loved it! He has the best haircut I've ever seen him in, by the way. Which is nice.

Yesterday I had something odd happen. I had one of the teachers send for me. This is rare, so I knew it was important. (Fortunately I don't have any violent kids, so I knew I wasn't being called to restrain a child. Go ahead, laugh, this short little gal with a limp has restrained plenty of kids in her teaching career!) So the teacher goes on to tell me that she's had this student for like 2 weeks and she wonders if she has an IEP. I told the teacher that during the Spelling Bee Assembly I would play detective and see what I could find out. I was a bit panicked as I would be out of compliance MAJORLY if this kid qualified for services and I hadn't been servicing her. So, I put on my detective hat, and as it turns out, this kid has an IEP from her other school district and she has quite a few services. So, I pulled her yellow card. This is the enrollment card that the parent fills out when they enroll a child. The parent DIDN'T mark one single thing about special services or an IEP. On one hand, this works in my favor as I am not held responsible for services that the parent never notified us about. On the other hand, this broke my heart for this kid that I don't even know. This kid needs all sorts of assistance, but the parent didn't mark it, or tell us, or anything. This kid has suffered for 2 weeks in a regular classroom and the parent hasn't called to inquire as to why her child isn't succeeding academically. It breaks my heart. We live in such a fallen world, that it crushes me at times...

Finally, I learned something very important this week as some intense drama unfolded in my life. I hate drama. If you've read my blog for any length of time, you know that I drama more than I can express in words. I hate being yelled at, and was yelled at by two people at the same time. I was shaking. However, I learned something. I stood my ground on what I knew was true, and I knew that God was with me even as I shook and defended myself. In the past I would've crumbled and cried in shame and frustration. This week I stood tall and held my position in what I knew was true. So, while I still hate drama with a passion, my head now hangs tall because fear didn't rule me, and God held me up the whole way through. Which is worth more to me than all the money in the world.

Well, I am gonna logoff. I have a few things to do before I return to my "bum" status on the couch.


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