Saturday, October 16, 2010

Back in the Shuttle!!!

Today I spent the day driving shuttles. From 12:15 until about 7:15, I drove shuttles and LOVED it! This is a conference weekend and we were BUSY! It was so much fun! I met so many amazing people!!! It was really cool.

It won't surprise you to find out that my favorite rider was a boy named Benjamin. Benjamin is ten and I predict he is Autistic. It was SO MUCH fun talking to him. He lives in North Dakota, and he's a kid I won't forget. He has a smile that shines. When I asked him what grade he was in he said that, "I'm smarter than the education system thinks, but I am in a 4th grade." I just grinned. He sat right behind me and we talked the whole way to the Prayer Room from FCF. I was hoping to see him again, but I didn't. I'll be praying for him, and I'm sure he'll come back someday. As he was about to step off my shuttle, I said, "The Lord has something great for you here," and he replied with, "Thanks, I need that kind of encouragement," and just walked away. *grin* LOVE. IT.

My second favorite rider tonight was a gal from St. Louis. She is a pediatrician, and after I shared that I am a Special Educator, she shared that she has a daughter with Down's Syndrome. Next thing I said was that I volunteer out at Camp Barnabas during the Summer and go during the Down's/Autism/Developmentally Delayed Week. She shared that her daughter went to Barnabas this past Summer during July. I just looked at her. Through a series of questions, we figured out that she was in MY CABIN this past Summer! How cool is that? She also shared that she had prayed that she could meet someone from that Cabin to see what she was like at Camp. How cool is THAT? I just grinned and silently told God, "Thanks" as she got out of the shuttle.

Ah, I love this place!!!



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