Thursday, June 23, 2011


I am probably not your typical gal when it comes to shopping. I mean, I know ladies who LOVE to spend all day shopping. I'm not one of those gals. I like to go in, get whatever it is that I need, and leave. I'm not really one to browse, I just buy what I need and leave. Therefore, I had already prepared my heart for today's shopping trip.

For the past two years I have desired a new television. I have had the same television for the past twelve years. It is one of those TV's that weighs a TON and was top of the line at the time, but now gets me laughed at sometimes when people visit! In fact, my TV doesn't even have HD on it! Yeah, talk about OLD. So, today was the day!!!

I had set back some money for the shopping trip today. The only thing I get nervous about on trips like today is that it's up to ME to make all the decisions. So, when I arrived at my parents house, and my brother was there, I was REALLY excited. (Of course, I didn't show that. I mean, we're siblings!) We made a trip to the local NFM store and began our adventure.

I had it in my head kind of what I wanted, but I was really open to what was out there. While I had surfed the web, I haven't really shopped enough to KNOW what I wanted. I have to give my parents and brother credit, they were INCREDIBLY patient as I pondered and looked around.

When we had narrowed down the size I wanted, the prices kept holding me back. I kept thinking, "Ouch!" Then my Dad said something very good. He said (paraphrased) that I should buy what I wanted and that it's not like I buy a new TV every year. That REALLY helped. Then we walked over to the more expensive models.

I was thinking, "Yeah, I'll look, then we'll go back down to the cheaper ones." Then the salesman mentioned 3-D!!! I was immediately interested! Yes, it was the most expensive model I had seen so far, but it was on sale, and it had a couple other added things as a promotion, and next thing I knew I was saying, "Let's get this one!"

The whole time the salesman was putting the information into the system, I kept thinking, "I can't believe I'm buying a 3-D TV!" We entered in my stuff, then we went and found an entertainment center I liked too. *grin*

I'm so very thankful I have the family I do. My parents & brother gave great feedback and helped me make a really good decision. I didn't walk out of the store with the items, they will arrive in a couple weeks. I CAN'T WAIT!!!


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