Thursday, December 22, 2011


I wanted to take a moment and blog about our holiday fun yesterday at school. One of my favorite traditions that we have here is our annual Christmas Holiday Sing. While it is rather busy, and kids are hyper, it is one of my favorite days of the whole school year!

We had students play instruments as we entered the gymatorium. It kept the kids calm and quiet as classes entered in for the assembly. I sat down by a student, as I had to sit in the middle so I could take pics for the slideshow.

Shortly after that, we started singing. At first I just sat and sang with the kids, but it hit me what a great photo opportunity this would be for the slideshow. So, I started taking pics. The kids loved it, and I did as well. *grin*

We also had a teacher model show in their tackiest sweaters. While I didn't participate, I sat up front to get pictures for the slideshow. It was a lot of fun, and the kids laughed a lot as their teachers were funny modeling their clothes. One of the teachers was even a Beiber look-alike! It was cute!

After some more songs, we ended the assembly with Silent Night as the students left the gymatorium. I admit, I fought tears at that point, as it truly feels like Christmas at that time for me. I took pics, and LOVED it.

So, here I sit, on Christmas Break. I can't believe it. TEXASLADY is here, and we're going to have some fun!


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