Monday, July 16, 2012

Martha Grace, Term #5 2012

I have posted a few times about the AMAZING Martha Grace, and I wanted to post again about her. I guess if someone steals your heart, it's worth talkin' about. *grin*

For those of you new to my little corner of the world, Martha Grace is an AMAZING young lady out at camp who may be limited in some ways, but has a heart that is pure gold. Martha Grace is a young lady with Autism, and doesn't really bond with people in the way we do, but she does recognize people. I learned that little fact this past week. *grin*

Around camp we have a phrase, "I'm a third." What that means is, you can NEVER be alone with a camper. EVER. So, often I told our staff, "I'm a third" and would head off with a camper and a CIA to take care of whatever needed to be done. I like this part of my job, as it's fun to help out simply by talking and getting to know people to and from somewhere. *grin*

So, I was actually on my own at one point in the restroom washing my hands, when Martha Grace came in with her CIA. I was about to dry my hands and leave when Martha Grace came over and stood by me. I said something like, "Hi Martha Grace! How are you?" Martha Grace doesn't use words like we do, so she didn't reply, but she had to use the restroom. I told her CIA I would be a third if she needed me. She said yes, that would be great because her third was right behind her, but wasn't there yet. I was THRILLED. To be able to assist with one of my all-time favorite campers who wasn't even in my cabin made me *grin* ear-to-ear. Her third arrived VERRRY shortly after I offered, and I wound up staying due to a lack of wipes. I was silently excited to get to be there, even though all I did was stand there and be a "third". *grin*

A little later, my cabin was in the same conference room Martha Grace was, and she came over and grabbed on me and had me sit by her. She sat by me for about ten minutes, which is a LONG time for her. She smiled and laughed, and I loved every minute of it! I told her CIA a little later that I'd love to help like that again if the Lord made time for it like that again. I could tell she was tired. *grin* She did a FANTASTIC job all week though. I told her at the end of the week too!

It's amazing how a gal who doesn't always use words to communicate can steal a person's heart. Honestly, Martha Grace will ALWAYS be a favorite of mine. ALWAYS.


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