Monday, March 21, 2016

Barnabas, Spring Break, and Everything In-Between

I sit here today, FINALLY getting to blog. I have seriously missed blogging. Long story short, I had lost internet here at home for a few days, for the first time in a couple years. I learned very quickly how much I enjoy blogging and spending time online. It proved to be good though, as grade cards were due last week. It was a REALLY busy week, but, now I'm on SPRING BREAK and I am finally enjoying some down time. I can't explain how much I am enjoying my first week day of break. I actually slept in until past ten a.m. I haven't done that in forever. So, I think this needs to be a random thoughts post. I have so much rolling around in my head, it may not come out in any organized sort of fashion. Honestly, I blog more for me than you. You can read it, or not, I just enjoy writing. *grin*

I returned yesterday from Camp Barnabas, where we did a weekend of camp for the campers. I arrived late Friday night (9:30ish) due to a meeting after school. I was so glad to be there, even though I had no idea what cabin I was with or who was there. I found the volunteer coordinator and she filled me in. I went by the cabin (B6, love Barnabreaks where we are on the boy's side of camp!) and lights were out. I decided it was best not to go in, as they could be asleep or trying to put campers down. *grin*

Saturday morning I was up early and met up with my cabin. I was with the young girls with Down Syndrome and Autism. The AMAZING part was when we entered for I.P. I.P. is when we have silly songs before breakfast, for those of you new to my world. I was greeted with TONS of hugs! It was so amazing, and I just kept smiling. It was campers, staffers, and missionaries that blessed me. I mean it when I say they are my second family. Truly.

You would have to be there to get it, but Barnabas is the most evident proof of a loving God to a watching world. It is how I wish the world could be. It is how it should be. The campers are amazing, but so are the staff and volunteers. This weekend was so much fun, and I came back with my heart full. I was also exhausted, so sleep was over twelve hours worth. *grin* I'm so glad that Spring Break is this week. *grin* What an amazing way to begin my break. Seriously!

Other tidbits, I'm sitting here amazed at how I've let my house go. It's not hoarder style, by any imagination, but there's dust and such that will be done this afternoon. Work has had me so busy that I haven't had time to stop and take care of things here. Which is fine, now I can. *grin*

I am thankful that teachers have breaks. I love, love, love my job. Completely. At the same time, I feel as if we all live together (because with some of them I do) and a break was needed for all involved. We will get some time away, and then return next week to finish out the school year. I'm excited to be in the downhill stretch, even though I anticipate more tears this May than ever due to the kids moving on. Yes, in one sentence I say I need a break, then I say I will cry when some leave in May. That's teaching. I've poured my heart into some of these kids for the past five years, so to see them go will be so very bittersweet. Truly.

Leaving camp just made me ache for Summer in a new way too. My Barnabas family grows each year, and I LOVE pouring into those young people. Completely. Summer will be here before we know it, and that makes me smile. *grin*

I received word today that a young person where I used to attend church passed away last night. I'm convinced that the hardest thing about life this side of Heaven is that from time to time we lose those we love. This young person was amazing, and my prayers go out to that entire community, especially her family. There's a party in Heaven going on, that's for sure. I know that her sibling that went ahead is glad to have her there. I also know that God will help each person in that community through this heartbreak.

One of my dearest friends is headed to Brazil today. Words can't describe how excited I am for her upcoming trip and what He's going to do in her and through her. I'm praying for you, sweet friend.

I'm enjoying DVR time. I'm so far behind that it's fun to have stuff to watch, without commercials. For me to watch tv in real time is torturous. *grin* Okay, not really, I do have a book in-hand. *giggle*

I plan to read a couple books this week too. When work gets so busy, reading takes a back seat and I don't like that. This week will be NICE.... *grin*

Jay is enjoying having me home today. He'll enjoy the week too. He spent the weekend with my friend's family here in L.S. He loves their teenage girl, and I can always tell he likes it. *grin* I like it because he isn't boarded and in a box while I'm at camp. *grin*

I'm still loving my new church. I'm making friends, drawing nearer to God, and happier. I can't even describe what He's done in my so far, but I love it.

Finally, it's MARCH MADNESS!!! I am loving this time of year. While I have been at camp for most of the beginning of the tournament, I'm home now and my team is still IN the tourney! Go Hawks! *grin*

Okay, time to eat and swap out laundry.

Did I mention I love Spring Break?


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