Thursday, October 20, 2016

Just Breathe and Rest

So, I sit here tonight and can't believe it's been so long since I've posted. Life as a teacher can be busy, and this year I feel that's completely true. I am busier than I've been in a long time, but it's been so good. My thoughts are all over the place, but I still want to post tonight. I've missed this immensely. *grin*

About a month ago, I spent a weekend with my friend Karen at a conference in Springfield, Mo. It was an AMAZING weekend, and I loved every moment of it. I could tell you story upon story from that weekend, but I'll wait because I'm tired tonight. It was life changing though. I even got to pray and prophesy over someone Sunday Morning before church. It was so fun!

School has been amazing. For the first time in years, I feel like the gal I was when I moved here. Due to various reasons, I don't want to get into what that truly means. However, I am enjoying my job more now than I have since I moved here. That is SUCH AN ANSWER TO PRAYER that only God knows how happy this makes me! Yes, there are things that I wish were different, but that's true of any job.

I just completed 1.5 days of parent-teacher conferences, and I have earned my upcoming three-day weekend. That being said, I love my student's parents. Many feel like family since we've been on this journey together for so long. I'm really tired tonight, but feel good about my conferences and have worked hard in order to take the weekend to rest.

I have a belated birthday party tomorrow night, a trip to camp, and sleep in my future.

I also have a book I plan to finish with Jay by my side.

Life is good.



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