Thursday, December 14, 2017

"Are There Days You Wish You Didn't Have the Limp?"

Today I was walking with a student at the end of the day to his classroom, because it was on the way to my end-of-day duty. We were about to leave my room, and the following conversation transpired:

Student: "Are you going to Car Rider Duty now?"

Me: "Yep."

Student: "Will you be late?"

Me: "Um, most days I do cut it close, but I should be good."

Student: "...are you late because of the limp?" I could tell he was scared to ask, so I took a moment to talk.

Me: "Well, yeah, kinda. But, it's just because it makes me walk slower than most people, but that's okay. It's part of my charm." *giggle* We both chuckled.

Student: "So, are there days you wish you didn't have the limp?"

Me: "Hmmmmm. Yeah, sometimes. But overall, I like it. People remember me with the limp."

Student: "...oh....."

Me: "Remind me tomorrow to tell you about my experience of learning I could never be a criminal (with a limp) and get away with it."

Student: "uhhhhhh okay."

Me: "It's always okay to ask me questions about the limp. I'm not ashamed of it."

Student: "Yeah, I know."

(Full Disclosure, I am not a criminal in any way, shape, or form. *wink* I'm actually kinda boring.)


I love working with young people.
It's conversations like that that make me smile.


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