Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Mentor's Words to Me

I have been deep in thought tonight. I have had another week that has challenged me in ways I never expected. And honestly, today I made some choices that I wish I could take back. I think that's part of the whole "being human" aspect of this side of heaven.

I have contemplated two quotes that my mentor at church told me a little while back that have been some words that have helped me lately.

The first was "Don't ever let your memories be bigger than your dreams." I have clung to those words a lot lately. There is so much that God is talking to me about that I could get stuck on, but I am seeing that the point of all this is to look forward, not backward. That's true, but difficult too. I am praying a lot to God, telling him that I am trying to do just that. Hum...

The other one that I have really contemplated tonight is "Don't be surprised when things get heated up when you're about to reach a dream with God." Okay, so I shouldn't quote it like that because the exact words may not have been that, but that was the point.

I now have two interviews set up. One in North KC, and one in Lee's Summit. And for the first time in all of this, I am REALLY pumped. I feel something is about to happen. FINALLY. I have thought a lot about how I have wanted to be at IHOP-KC for 6 years, and now I'm almost there. Granted, I won't be on full-time staff, but I will be there, and that excites me in a way you can't understand.

I also feel it's almost there because I have more character built in the past 2 weeks. Life is still good, don't get me wrong. Nothing has been horrible. I have had character built in ways I wish it hadn't though.

We'll see what happens tomorrow at the interview...

Stay tuned!


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