Saturday, May 02, 2009

Friday's Tidbits on Saturday

I got in from KC at 1:00-ish this morning, and had a GREAT time while I was up there. Leesh and Laura went with me, and we had a GREAT day. We started the day at IHOP-KC, which is my favorite place on the planet, and LOVED it. Leesh had never been there for a visit, so it was almost more fun having her experience it than my own experience. What can I say? When you enjoy something you want to share it with those around you. We took a lunch break, and headed back into the Prayer Room.

Misty Edwards led worship for an hour and I REALLY enjoyed her set. God really spoke to me a lot during that set, which was exactly what I needed.

After Misty's set I left the Prayer Room, changed into my interview clothes, and headed to North Kansas City for an interview. I only called Dad once for help on directions getting there, which was good. :-) I will spare the details of the interview line-by-line, but at the end, I was told, "Would you be interested in a position here?" I said "Yes, if you are interested in offering me a position." :-) He said yes, the only kicker is that they don't have a Resource Position right now, only Self Contained Classrooms were available right now. He followed by saying that he would be very surprised if they don't have a Resource Education opening by the end of May though. So, I interpretted all that to mean, "I can't offer you a contract today, or even the job you are wanting, but we would give you a job today if we could." This is the closest I've been to a contract, so that is encouraging. Honestly, I have an interview with Lee's Summit on Tuesday, and am excited about that. In the beginning of all this Job Searching stuff, my Dad said I would have a pick of where to I wanted to go by the end of it all. I believe that now.

I went back to the Prayer Room after the interview where I met up with Leesh and Laura and we basically stayed in the Prayer Room all evening, with the exception of taking a break from dinner. It was all GREAT. It honestly made me want to be in KC today. :-)


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