Monday, April 27, 2009

A Phone Call and Congas!

Today I had two things worth sharing. I could share just one, as I hear the bed calling my name, but I think they're both noteworthy in my little corner of the world.

First off, after some debate (not much, but some) I called the professor of my Practicum Student to share what happened last week. I had called Friday and left a message, and the professor called me back today. I say I debated because my administrator in my building encouraged me not to call, but I couldn't shake it. The student had crossed an ethical line, and I knew that I needed to let them know. Afterall, she wants to be responsible for the next generation of kids. If she will look at her evaluation in the dark in my room after I had just said, "We'll go through this together Tuesday", I have some real reservations in just sending in an evaluation saying she's a great student.

After relaying the story, I took a deep breath, wondering what the professor would say. I heard her gasp and say, "Woah" very slowly. To which I replied, "Yeah, that's kind of what my thought was too." I did go on to say she does have some strengths and although I had decided to re-do her evaluation, this experience hasn't been all bad. Character building for me, yes! But not bad. I told her I was only changing the "Professionalism" part of the evaluation, and wanted to mail it to her at this point because I have had trust broken with the student. She agreed and was glad I called. She apologized to me for the student's behavior and said there may need to be action taken at that level too.

I just pray tomorrow goes well with her. I have the student Tuesday and Thursday of this week and she's done. I think I've probably learned more than the student has through this whole experience. Hum...

Tonight we had a guest speaker at our church, and I was enormously blessed to be there tonight. I had been asked to play congas, and I get somewhat nervous when I am asked to be the only percussionist as I am not the best player in the world. I do it though because I know I am playing for God, not for men. It was REALLY fun. I have no idea if it was any good or not, but it was fun. I was smiling the whole time. Good stuff.

The sermon was really good too. It was on being a courageous woman of God. The speaker taught on a passage of scripture that I had never studied before, which REALLY blessed me. I was glad I went. I find myself so hungry for the things of God...moreso than I've been in a while and I think it's because I'm now free of the living situation I was in. I find myself almost returning to the old's been GREAT.

Now it's time to do one of my all-time favorite things...SLEEP!


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